That classic game, make you outstanding on the Nintendo Switch, because you can finally play on trips and the way to work, should have spoken. However, this also works for the Hack&Slay-classic “Diablo 3”?

Since then, “Diablo 3” in may 2012, was released for the PC, it has not only maintained stable, rebuilt and extended, but also for virtually all of the consoles implemented. A had however, all these versions have in common: You could play at your Desk or on the Couch in front of the Monitor and the TV. Now Diablo 3 is released “” as “Eternal Collection” for the Nintendo Switch. The newfound mobility means waiver?

Quite the contrary. The “Eternal Collection”, although at the full price and therefore for a six and a half years old game is quite self-consciously out of priced offered, the most complete of the “Diablo”package, which you can buy. It contains in addition to the main game, the two paid expansions, “Reaper of Souls” and the add-on package “return of the necromancer,” with the Fans dearly beloved necromancers as a playable character. All of the Patches, adventure mode, and the Seasons – just like the “big” Diablos.

But on the small Nintendo console ever fun?

And how! It only takes seconds and it is already tearing again in the old circuit, of Monsters and Loot. Diablo 3 has been slimmed down for the Switch graphically minimal, but still excellent, particularly in view of the effect of lightning storm, which is fired on the screen. In stationary operation, it runs like butter and looks great on the TV very well. Much more important is the mobile operating. And also on the small screen of the Switch that you have in the car or on the plane. “Diablo 3” is buttery smooth, controls great and is a lot of fun.

A couple of small compromises you have to respond, of course. On the small screen you need a good eye, to the handwriting, the inventory system is a bit fiddly, the German audio track must separately (for free) is downloaded, but nothing is really serious. It is the pure joy predominates, finally, everywhere the demons pack up. Dozens, hundreds, of hours you can sink into the “Eternal Collection”. Always on the hunt for better Items, and new challenges.

The necromancer is the cherry on the icing on the cake. Sure, all of the classes – there are a total of seven games excellent, and are very balancing. But if you are, surrounded by the skeleton warriors, summoned by the masses of enemies milling, corpse explosions, fires and the enemies of the life energy sucks, then that fits perfectly to the grim atmosphere of the game.


Who “Diablo 3”, up to now, has not yet played and Switch to call his own, has now, finally, no more excuses. The “Eternal Collection” is not cheap, but more fun per Euro, there is hardly. Anyone who hasn’t played “Diablo 3” already on one or more platforms, which should, however, consider whether it is the pleasure of the classics, now, finally, on-the-go play, is the new purchase value. At least I can say that For me that would be the case.