snow, longer Christmas holidays, and a slower process: the construction of The Geretsrieder indoor swimming pool is delayed. Completion and trial operation is scheduled by the end of June 2020.

Geretsried – The construction site for the new indoor swimming pool at the Adalbert-Stifter-Straße is on the ice. The ceiling of the basement is covered with a thick layer of snow. “The yard has tried to make the site free, but that makes no sense,” said Thomas cold mark from the Stuttgart-based engineering office Klotz is a Partner in the city Council session on Tuesday. But not only due to the weather the project is delayed.

According to the cold mark, the officer earthmoving company have been carried out later starting than planned, the Work is slower, and instead of the expected two weeks of Christmas break, the craftsmen had three weeks. Its schedule, according to may 3. July to be celebrated in 2019. In March, the first Time water comes in the leak sample into the pool. “Purely, I would not recommend but still not jump, because the heating goes in there,” joked the project more expensive. Completion and trial operation is scheduled by the end of June 2020 and the commissioning of the school year 2020/2021. At the groundbreaking ceremony, mayor Michael Müller had hoped that the first bathers can drag the beginning of 2020, your tracks.

Due to the delay, “we have incurred no financial damage,” said the cold mark. More expensive the project, inter-municipal indoor swimming pool is but as reported, due to the Construction activity. Currently, the project is more expensive of costs in the amount of 16.75 million euros. The indoor swimming pool with a children’s, Competition, Springer and teaching pools builds the city as reported with with free of state, County, Egling, Eurasburg, munsing, king village, Icking, Dietramszell, and Wolfratshausen.

The construction works are now awarded to 90 percent. In its meeting, the city Council commissioned the company Schöffmann from Weilheim to work with the electric (1.58 million Euro), Hölzel from Werdau near Zwickau with the painting (133 000 Euro) and Planotec from Tüßlingen (Kreis Altötting) with the installation of the interior doors (115 000 euros). With 34 percent more expensive than the cost calculation provided for the facade. The offer of the company Pewa from Magdeburg for 479 of the 500 Euro was adopted. The cost calculation was 357 000 euros. The lock work must be tendered in the absence of the offer again.
