According to U.S. experts, the earth is just in the eye of storm: Currently increased sun advent storm. With far-reaching consequences.

Update 16. May 2019, 10.52 PM: If the experts of the US weather Agency to keep NOAA’s right, then the weather will be this week’s unpleasant. But the authority does not refer to the low temperatures or the probability of rain, but the weather on the nearly 150 million kilometres away in the sun. Here is the storms for this week, the probability for geomagnetic storms – the sun – to 75-per-cent increase.

The likelihood of solar storms is the days high

Especially in the period between 15. and 17. May is the danger to the earth from a solar storm to hit particularly high, reported However, the intensity should not exceed the moderate risk level (G2). Between cases, electrical devices and the power network can not be excluded, probably, but only to intense aurorae, which occur when the storms hit the earth’s magnetic field.

Basically, sun storms, however very dangerous for our technologized world. You can not only lead to the failure of electricity networks and the mobile, but also affect satellites. These are not protected on your career outside of the atmosphere prior to the magnetic rays of the sun storms.

initial message: a Dangerous weather phenomenon experts warn of unpredictable consequences

Munich – Not only on earth, there is weather phenomena, including our star – the sun – storms it has often been enormous. The effects are felt in us. Usually not much happens, except that you can see at night in the North beautiful green lights in the sky: the Northern lights. But if the storms are too strong, then the magnetic field of the earth can no longer fight them off and then massive problems for the whole of humanity threaten, such as reported.

Dangerous weather phenomenon: It’s a long solar minimum, threatens with little sun spots

For 2019/2020 scientists have said solar minimum to predict. This means that, on the surface of the sun, little to no sun spots. This state is changed cyclically in an eleven-year cycle. So it was from 2012 to 2014, a solar maximum, and thus a greater volume of sun storms. At the moment, we go in the 25. Solar cycle since the Start of the records in the 19th century. Century. The experts predict a weak cycle, as well as the predecessor.

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But only because the sun is entering a quieter Phase, and little sun has spots, that does not mean that it is inactive. At a Minimum, the magnetic field of our star is weaker than usual. So more cosmic radiation entering the solar system. These charged particles can cause a number of problems on earth, such as the science portal writes. The radiation, which are exposed to air travellers is increasing, for example,. Also, the upper atmospheric electricity may change. It is, among other things, for the formation of Flashes responsible.

Dangerous weather phenomenon-solar storms can destroy our civilization

Just because the sun is moving, just at a sunspot minimum, it does not mean that there are no solar storms. The probability of this is greatly reduced. Nevertheless, researchers have said for 2020, a Mega-storm in advance, such as reported. This could be satellites and our power grid is dangerous and lead to mobile phone networks and GPS to fail. He could carry back to civilization again in the pre-industrial time. However, the probability that this storm hits, according to the American researchers, Pete Riley, only twelve percent.

+ the Northern lights are caused by solar storms that hit the magnetic field of the earth, forth.©picture alliance / Owen Humphrey

In the Internet also rumors that a protracted solar minimum may cause a little ice age. It’s happened before. In the 17th century. Century, there was the Maunder Minimum, named after the English astronomer Edward Walter Maunder. It kept all of 70 years and led, with other factors, to a significant cooling, especially in the Northern hemisphere. However, scientists give the all-clear. So far it will not come this time.

solar storms are not only on the earth dangerous. Our neighbouring planet Mars, you especially. Another astronomical phenomenon stands in front of the door. In April, a new shooting star before we swarm – the Lyrids. And speaking of Sunny weather, so the weather will be with us in the next few days

Nasa shows a solar storm in the Video

* is part of the Ippen-Digital-Central editorial office