up In around 60 countries of the world is left-hand traffic, for example, in the UK, Australia, Japan, and South Africa. What need to consider vacationers with the own car or rental car?

Stuttgart (dpa/tmn) – motorists and pedestrians to visit in a country with left-hand traffic must deliberately break with learned habits. The expert organisation Dekra advises. It gives tips for all about the holiday in countries such as the UK, Australia, Japan or South Africa.

As a car with right-hand steering, a compact handy car comes according to Dekra with automatic rather of the question, in order to concentrate on the Driving under the unusual conditions. After checking on the position of the instruments and levers to practice travelers, the transition first to an empty Parking lot.

– To-right-item”> look and for the first time overtake

With the left-steered car can make especially the Overtaking difficulties. You could etch on the fast Lane easy to waste because the visibility is limited. Therefore, newcomers would be better off without in the first days in the Overtaking, in order not to take risks. Mistakes happen especially when turning, where you have to focus, not on the usual right side and to pull into the oncoming traffic.

A stick-on arrow as the help

So that motorists do not get on the wrong side, it can help you a on the bottom of the windscreen glued, to the right-pointing arrow. He must always point to the middle of the Lane. He points to the edge of the road, rolling it on the wrong side.

the rules for the country of destination need to know the drivers. In the UK, about single signs regulate the right-of-way at every intersection. “Right before left”, according to Dekra, give it there.

emitting an Asymmetrical passing beam

Who drives at night in their own car, must correct the asymmetrical low-beam light. It is the right side radiates stronger and hides in the left side of the road, the Oncoming. How to do this clarifies the operating instructions of the vehicle. Earlier, the fluted headlight had a faithful slices of selected areas, on the lines of tape masking.

Today’s special films and templates for the manufacturer to come to use. Dekra advises to travel in the workshop, also to prevent damage in the case of the clear glass covers. In some cars the headlights, for example, via a lever switch. And modern light systems with cornering light and travel mode were mostly in the adjust menu.

In around 60 countries worldwide drive on the left, for example, in the UK, Australia, Japan, and South Africa.