The removal of the great organ begins this Monday with, as a priority, the console keyboard. The complete dismantling of the 8000 pipes will follow until the end of the year.

Real “yard in the yard” of the restoration of Notre-Dame of Paris, the removal of his large organ begins this Monday, on Saturday announced the public Establishment in charge of reconstructing the cathedral. A scaffold of 30 meters had been installed all around, during July, to allow this removal smooth.

and Then the organ will have to be cleaned piece by piece. Voices of the cathedral since 1733, the grand symphonic organ of Notre-Dame of Paris has 8000 pipes distributed in 115 games, making it the largest such instrument in France (in number of games).

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When the fire occurred in April 2019, it has not been touched by the flames, has received relatively little water during the fire fighting, but it was covered in lead dust. Some of the parties have then suffered from the thermal variations undergone by the cathedral since the fire, in particular during the heat wave of July 2019. The organ will need a thorough cleaning and restoration that will take between 2021 and 2024.

keyboards first

The site begins this Monday with the removing the console keyboard and continue with the removal of all of the 8000 pipes, up to the end of the year. All removed items will be stored in four leak-proof containers. A tender will be issued for the cleaning, restoration and reassembly of the instrument.

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“Our ambition,” said general Jean-Louis Georgelin, head of the public Establishment, is to return the instrument in the operating state in which it was before the fire, and six months will be necessary for its agreement and its harmonization.”

“It was therefore essential, he added, to launch this operation as soon as possible so that the organ may resound mid-April 2024”, during the Te Deum that it intends to organize in the cathedral, five years after the fire, in accordance with the wish of the president Macron.

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So that was started at the end of the spring the removal of the scaffolding that surrounded the arrow at the time of the fire – a mammoth task that should be completed in September, the preparatory work for the dismantling of the great organ have been conducted in parallel of more discreet manner.