The gel hand disinfectant without water hydrolalcohico manufactured by Ramros is referred because it does not contain enough alcohol to be effective against the coronavirus.

The fraud alert once again on gels hydro-alcoholic that do not exhibit the characteristics required to fight against the new coronavirus. The manufacturer of solution Ramros is the subject of a publication by the DGCCRF (the Directorate general for Competition, Consumption and Repression of fraud) : “due to a content of combined ethanol and isopropanol insufficient, this product does not have to effectiveness of antibacterial and antiviral activity demonstrated and/ or absence of a part of the labelling hazard related to the flammability.”

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This is the gel hand disinfectant without water hydrolalcohico manufactured by Ramros that is referred to, it is the Bottle of 500 ml and a can of 5 litres branded ONE DERMO, as well as the Bottle of 750ml without marks. All lots are concerned.

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60% minimum alcohol content

The concentration of alcohol is “optimal” for a gel effective is “between 60% and 70%”, according to the national security Agency of the drug. Attention, beyond 70%, the amount of alcohol is too large, and there is a risk of developing skin rashes.

The national Agency of drug also detailed in 2009, during the H1N1 flu epidemic, the standards which were required to comply with the gels. These standards must be listed on the bottle. The Agency recommends that before any products hydroalcoholic bearing the standard NF EN 14476.