The two members of the centre parachute training specializing in Saran attached to the DGSE were arrested with several weapons in their possession.

The DGSE is once again in turmoil. After the revelation of the sentence of 8 years and 12 years imprisonment of two former spies, two agents of the foreign intelligence service of the French may have been arrested and indicted for “attempted voluntary homicide”.

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How were they arrested ?

On the night of 23 to 24 July, the two men were arrested on board a stolen vehicle in Créteil (Val-de-Marne) on the 24th of July in possession of several weapons, according to a source close to the folder. A third suspect, whose profile is not yet known, was arrested two days later in this case.

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What are they doing to the DGSE ?

It is in the course of their custody as suspects reveal membership in the “service action” of the Directorate-general for external security (DGSE), says The Parisian. This special service, responsible for covert operations, would be mainly composed of members of the military with a total of more than 800 officers, according to Vincent Nouzille author of The Killers of the Republic, quoted by South West.

In September 2018, two former members of this service action had already been under the scrutiny of the court within the framework of an investigation on a planned assassination of an opponent of the congolese, general Ferdinand Mbaou, a refugee in France in 1997. These two ex-agents had been put in put review in Lyon for alleged “criminal conspiracy” and “possession of explosives”. But, in march 2019, the body of one of them had been found, riddled with bullets, on a car park in the Savoie.

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The “service action”, created in the 1980s, is attached to the ministry of the Armed forces. However, the two officers involved today were determined more precisely in the centre parachute training specializing in Saran, located in the Loiret and attached to the DGSE.

What was their project ?

They are suspected of having planned a murder outside the framework of their functions. “It is an attempt of settlement of accounts private and failed, on a private victim, by two agents who have launched solo,” commented a source close to the folder with the Parisian. For the time being, the details of the project of assassination have not yet been released.

For what are they being reviewed ?

The two soldiers have been indicted and arrested for “attempted voluntary homicide in band organized.” The three suspects are also indicted for “harbouring organised flight, transport, acquisition, possession of firearms of category B”, which includes the handguns (pistol, revolver) and shoulder (rifle, etc), and “criminal association for the commission of these crimes and offences to be punished ten years of imprisonment”.