The epidemic of Covid-19 continues to progress, in particular in South America and the Caribbean, where the number of cases now exceeds five million.

The progression of the pandemic Covid-19 seems inexorable. Everywhere in the world, measures of reconfinement are taken. Concerns are growing in Oceania, but also in South America and the Caribbean, where the number of cases now exceeds five million.

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To date, more than 18 million people in the world have been infected by the virus and more than 680 000 of them died, according to a balance sheet prepared on Monday. In the ominous position of head, the United States there are 154 834 the dead, of which 515 in 24 hours, followed by Brazil (94 665 deaths), Mexico (47 746 deaths) and the United Kingdom (46 193 dead).

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Reconfinement express in the Philippines

millions of Filipinos returned on Tuesday with the reconfinement. More than 27 million people, or about one-quarter of the population of the Philippines, are again forced to remain at home, after the cry of alarm of the associations of doctors, who warned that the country was losing the battle against the Covid-19.

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Since the beginning of the month of June, while the greater part of the country was out of the containment, the infections have increased five-fold, exceeding the milestone of 100 000 cases. The reconfinement was only announced with 24 hours notice, leading many people to be stuck in Manila, with a stop of public transport, including flights.

The race to the vaccine intensifies

The race for vaccines continues to be more beautiful. Russia is said to be able on Monday to produce “several million” doses at the beginning of the next year. But other experts warn of the duration of the pandemic outside the norms, which has already devastated the economies of the world, and advocating to expand drastically the tests.

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The world health Organization warned Monday that there could never be a miracle solution to the pandemic of Covid-19, despite the race to vaccines ongoing. “There is no panacea, and there will perhaps never be,” said the director-general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during a video-conference. “Clinical trials give us hope. This does not necessarily mean that we will have a vaccine effective”, in particular on the duration, he said.

Five million cases in South America and in the Caribbean

The epidemic of Covid-19 also continues to malign the health systems in the world, or to reveal weaknesses, such as in Brazil where the coronavirus has highlighted the lack of funding and poor management.

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The giant of south america, with nearly 95 000 deaths, is the country most affected in Latin America, a continent where the pandemic continues to progress. South America and the Caribbean have exceeded Monday the threshold of five million of contamination.

companies in the blur in the United States

in The United States, the plan assistance was slow to arrive, leaving the unemployed and businesses in the blur. Nearly a hundred bosses of american multinationals such as Wal-mart, Microsoft, or Merck, as well as professional federations, have, however, addressed Monday a letter to the american congressmen. They predict “a wave of closures final” if nothing is done by the beginning of September and “a domino effect on the jobs lost”.

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More than 46 000 new cases have been registered in 24 hours, bringing to 4.7 million the number of infections is in the first power in the world. More than 18 million people in the world have been infected by the coronavirus since its emergence in China.

concerns are growing in Oceania

concerns are growing also in Oceania, where many restrictions have been put back in place in Australia, in the face of the progression of the disease. From midnight on Wednesday, all the shops non-essential will be closed in Melbourne, as well as the administrations, a measure that adds to the night-time curfew imposed since Sunday night to the residents of the city.

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The pandemic also continues to weigh heavily on the economies, in particular on the tourism sector. Norway announced on Monday restrictions on the cruises along its coast after the appearance of dozens of cases of the new coronavirus in a ship company Hurtigruten, which has apologized and acknowledged his “errors”.