TV-tip that takes you on holiday
The Norwegian Norwegian institute of public health (FHI) provides exceptions from the requirement innreisekarantene for EU/EEA/Schengen countries if the country has fewer than 20 infected per 100 000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, less than 5 per cent positive tests in the last 14 days, and the country consists of a comprehensive evaluation of the smittesituasjonen.
Now a number of them at risk to be colored red.
the Government will on Friday decide whether it will follow FHIs recommendation and impose a quarantine upon entry from among others Switzerland and the Czech republic. Karantenereglene will in that case apply at 00.00 on the night of Saturday.
Switzerland, the Czech republic and Poland
New figures show that Switzerland is on 22,9 and the Czech republic on 26,8 new covid-19 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, and the trend goes upwards. Therefore, the alerts we already now that if the situation changes, will FHI recommend that Switzerland and the Czech republic are the “red land” and thus covered by the innreisekarantene, said the director of the Norwegian institute of public health, the Line Violence, in a press release Monday.
Also in Poland has it for the last two weeks been reported by an increasing number of new cases. Here is the number of 18,7 cases per 100 000 inhabitants.
“In Poland, the proportion of positive specimens in week 29 and 30 have been increasing and have been on more than 5 per cent. It should be considered to introduce innreisekarantene for the country if the proportion of positive tests exceeds 5 per cent in week 31”, turns the Norwegian institute of public health fast.
Austria and the Netherlands
the Newspaper could last week to write that austrian health authorities even acknowledge that smittespredningen increases in the scope, and that the country is going to break FHIs limit the coming days if not improving situation.
This is verstingene
– the Number of new infections with coronaviruset increases moderately again, confirmed the austrian Norwegian institute of public health, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG), to Dagbladet.
the Country has today 18,8 infected per 100 000 inhabitants, according to the dashboard from The european smittevernsenteret (ECDC). GÖG stated that most of the new cases could be linked to local outbreaks.
– One of the last clusters that have been identified, has been traced back to the tourist town of St. Wolfgang (in the state of Oberösterreich, journ.anm.), where mainly the hotel staff will be happy in the younger age have been infected. It’s taken extensive testing in the city, but the authorities have not yet decided to close it, said Katharina Habimana, responsible for political relations at the GÖG, to Dagbladet.
Austria’s FHI: Switch probably the Norwegian border
Also smittetallene in Iceland and the Netherlands have taken speed the last time, respectively 21,3 and 20,3 infected per 100 000 inhabitants.
– 1329 new covid-19-cases were reported in the Netherlands last week. There are 342 more cases than the week before, and 795 more cases than the week before that. As in the week 30, was reproduksjonstallet over 1 in week 31, the printer, the netherlands Norwegian institute of public health, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), in an e-mail to Dagbladet.
RIVM acknowledge that “since it is unlikely that anyone who has the virus gets tested, is enough smittetallet higher than that mentioned here”.
– What are the causes of the spread?
– most people become infected through family and friends. There are many who hold parties and events, and many forget to keep distance to each other. People with mild symptoms should stay at home, but they comply with not always this. We have seen the biggest increase in the age group 20 to 40 years.
Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError exhaustion: France experience very many died of coronaviruset. In Paris, the streets are completely deserted. Video: AP. 7. march 2020 Show more France
France now has a infection rates at 21,7 per 100 000 inhabitants. The health authorities in the country said to the Newspaper last Friday that they struggled to deal with smittespredningen, and that they could not rule out drastic action.
– A new “lockdown” is a last resort, and it can happen, but we have a long way to go before we are there. It will likely be introduced to local shutdowns before a national one, wrote the French ministry of health, Direction Générale de la Santé (DGS), which is subject to the French ministry of health, in an e-mail to Dagbladet.
Thousands infected on cruise ships
Thursday 23. July the country had a infection rates of 13.2 per 100 000 inhabitants. Taller is thus up to 8.5.
the Virus has markedly set its footprint in France the last few weeks. With more than 1,000 daily reported cases and a reproduksjonstall of 1.3 (above the 1 since the 1. July) we face difficulties in the fight against to combat it, wrote the ministry of health.
though France is not among the countries FHI alerts that they will consider to red this Friday, they previously stated that they follow the situation closely.
– We follow closely the situation in France and will make an assessment of the country next week, said the chief physician at the Norwegian institute of public health, Siri Helene Hauge, said to the Newspaper the previous Friday.
From before have Spain and Belgium have gone from “green” to “red”.
French authorities to Dagbladet: – We are struggling
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