The head of the State has made Tuesday a visit to Toulon to “pay homage” to the auxiliary of home-life for the elderly or disabled.

After arriving at the Fort de Brégançon on 31 July, Emmanuel Macron leaves already on the ground. The president of the Republic has carried out this Tuesday morning at Toulon a visit to “pay homage” to the auxiliary of home-life for the elderly or disabled, in the front line against the coronavirus and the intense heat of the end of the week.

Emmanuel Macron announced at the end of this visit, that the State was going to unlock 80 million euros to pay, with an equal contribution from the departments, an exceptional bonus Covid aid to homes. “These 160 million euros will allow, on a basis that will be heard départementalement (…) to have these € 1,000 bonus that had other” health care providers, said the head of the State to aid at home. The head of State praised the “essential role” of the auxiliaries of life “during the crisis of the Covid-19”.

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The home helps, who work in support of 800 000 elderly persons in loss of autonomy and 300 000 persons in situation of disability, were up to present “the forgotten of the premium Covid”, noted the president. This premium will be paid “before Christmas”, after investigation of the files “between September and December,” will allow “to fully recognize the role they have played during the crisis of the epidemic, according to him.

a first meeting with A resident 80 years of age

The head of State went a little after 11am, visit Gisele Charles, 80 years, widow since 14 years and who lives alone in a two bedroom apartment located in the district of Bridge Las, in the west of Toulon. Sitting at his side on a sofa, he was asked about his loneliness, especially during the confinement. “It is important that you reciprocate with people”, stressed Emmanuel Macron. “I held” in the period, responded with Gisele Charles, who benefits from the delivery of a daily meal in the morning.

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She spoke of having had “daily contact” with help at home, even during the confinement. “Do you pay attention when there are your grandchildren ?”, he asked the President about the actions barriers in the face of the epidemic. “Yes, they wear the mask and remain on the balcony,” said Gisèle Charles.

Dialogue with associations

and Then, accompanied by the delegate minister in charge of Autonomy, Brigitte Bourguignon, and the secretary of State in charge of Persons with disabilities, Sophie Cluzel, he interacted with two assistants of home-life, the regional director of the association of the Little brothers of the poor or even the director of the social support of the Var, in the presence of the mayor of Toulon, the chairman of the department and one of his deputies.

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According to data cited by the Elysée, 97% of carers in the home are women, often part-time employees, three times more often victims of work accidents than the average, in a sector where 20% of posts remain vacant.