Behind its pretty nickname “Pink Full Moon”, the next full moon will impose new rules on the different astrological signs. Find out what to expect this April lunation.

The full moon of the month is fast approaching and will take place on April 24 at 1:48 a.m. precisely in the sign of Scorpio. Its effects will reach their peak at night but you will be able to feel them during the days surrounding this famous “full pink moon”. However, don’t expect to see a pink moon in the sky that night! This term only refers to the blooming of “phlox”, a plant whose flowers bloom at this time of year.

The full moon that awaits us invites all signs to let go of their past instead of trying at all costs to maintain control over elements that prevent them from moving forward. During this lunation, you risk facing emotions that are particularly difficult to control, such as jealousy or guilt. It will then be crucial not to repress your feelings and to honor what has been lost without clinging to it desperately. The challenge of this full moon for you: “a liberation that leads to love of oneself and others”, according to astrologer Isabelle Elvira in the magazine Femme Actuelle.

Scorpio drowned in uncertainties

If you are of the sign of Scorpio, you will be concerned about a strong “questioning of your relationships” according to Isabelle Elvira. Beware of resentment and jealousy that could prevent you from making a fresh start. In love, it is essential to acquire great security towards yourself and to take a step back in order to see the glass half full and to put aside your negative feelings. This full moon will mark a turning point in your daily life. It’s up to you to prepare as best you can to face this pivotal period!

A headache period for these three signs

Some astrological signs risk going through a real emotional storm during this pink full moon. If you are a Taurus, you should expect some upheaval in your relationships. People around you could distance themselves, plunging you into a form of melancholy that you must not let take hold. Turn to the people and causes that really matter to you.

On the Leo side, this full moon will be placed under the sign of the family and the home which you will have to take care of. Take the time to deal with issues that you have put aside for a long time. “You risk encountering more difficulties in the future” if you do not resolve the situation quickly, warns astrologer Natasha Merani in Marie-Claire magazine.

Finally, in Aquarius, it is stress and anxiety that could manifest during this lunation, preventing you from concentrating on your daily activities. Whatever solution suits you, it’s time “to calm your anxieties and channel the excesses”, advises Natasha Merani.