
Former Staffers of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Share Varied Experiences

Working for royalty is often seen as a prestigious and glamorous role, but for some former staffers of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the experience was anything but. Ex-employees have come forward to share their differing accounts of working with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, shedding light on the challenges and controversies that surrounded their roles.

Amplified Moments of Difficulty

One courtier who served the Duke and Duchess of Sussex during their time in the UK revealed to the Daily Beast that the couple’s “bad moments” seemed to be magnified compared to other members of the royal family, particularly after their decision to step back from their royal duties in January 2020. The aide expressed that while there have been difficult royals in the past, the negative moments experienced with Meghan and Harry were somehow amplified and distorted in the public eye.

The courtier further elaborated on the intensity of the situation, mentioning witnessing individuals being treated poorly in person and over the phone, leading to feelings of distress. Despite acknowledging the challenging circumstances, the courtier also mentioned giving Meghan the benefit of the doubt, especially considering her own statements about struggling with suicidal thoughts.

Negative Experiences and Controversies

Another source recounted a troubling incident involving a florist who was reportedly berated over the phone for 30 minutes after sharing a minor detail online about a bouquet they were crafting for the Duchess of Sussex. Although the source did not explicitly name Meghan, the implication of the incident painted a concerning picture of the work environment.

In a more critical assessment, an ex-employee described Meghan Markle as a “classic narcissist,” highlighting a perceived lack of empathy and a demanding attitude towards those working for her. The source emphasized that the experience was so negative that they vowed never to work with her again, underscoring the challenging dynamics present within the working relationship.

A former staff member who had worked with Meghan before her marriage to Harry shared similar sentiments, labeling her as a narcissist and expressing skepticism about her intentions. The individual reflected on their interactions with the couple, noting that while Meghan could be pleasant when things were going well, her demeanor took a drastic turn when faced with adversity.

Contrasting Experiences and Perspectives

Despite the negative accounts from some former employees, others have shared more positive experiences working with Meghan and Harry. Catherine St-Laurent, a former chief of staff, expressed that her time with the couple was meaningful and that she has remained close to them even after leaving her position. St-Laurent’s perspective offered a different angle, highlighting moments of warmth and connection with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Josh Kettler, another former chief of staff who worked with the couple for a brief period, also shared a positive outlook on his time with Meghan and Harry. Kettler mentioned feeling warmly welcomed by the couple and their team, emphasizing their dedication and hard work ethic as impressive qualities that he witnessed during his tenure.

The varying accounts from former staffers of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry paint a complex picture of the dynamics within their inner circle. While some individuals recount challenging experiences and negative interactions, others highlight positive connections and shared goals with the royal couple. These contrasting perspectives offer a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of working closely with high-profile figures and navigating the complexities of royal life.