The six-day war left the West Bank to this day many traces. Many cultural sites are mined still. Some of the attractions have now been freed, however, from the booby traps.

Kasr Al-Jahud (dpa) – Three monasteries at the baptismal site of Jesus at the river Jordan after around 50 years for the first time. The British Halo Foundation is exempt from the Israeli Ministry of defence and the area of Kasr Al-Jahud since the spring of mines and booby-traps.

“The demining of the baptismal site for many so-important landmark – is a unique and wonderful work,” said Marcel Aviv, the head of the Israeli mine-clearing authority.

The site is said to have been baptized to Jesus Christ in the biblical Tradition well over 2000 years ago, is located in the West Bank near the Betwinner border with Jordan. In the six-day war, the Israeli army had laid there mines, in order to create a military exclusion zone for the neighbouring country. Up to 3000 mines, booby-traps and other war remnants, such as mortar shells were there, according to information from the Ministry of defense buried.

A Team of Israeli, Palestinian and Georgian mine-clearing began in March, with his work. This does not mean “only, to eliminate the deadly legacy of the conflict, but to build a bridge between the divided communities”, writes the Halo Foundation on its website.

so Far, the Ethiopian monastery, the Franciscan monastery and the Greek Orthodox monastery of explosives were freed to fall. A total of seven monasteries in the Area.

Kasr Al-Jahud (Arabic: the Jewish castle) Christians, to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and the Church of the Holy sepulchre in Jerusalem as the third holiest place in the world. But also for the Judaism of the site is of great importance: Here the people of Israel have crossed the Jordan on the way to Canaan.

the Halo Trust