Curious Flea market finds and attic treasures are the “Bares für Rares”-Team already know enough, but this gift finds a particularly scary.

Sven Deutschmanek has already taken some of the “Bares für Rares”treasures under the magnifying glass, but at the same time he had to swallow. It is “only” a card game.

A flea market hunter from the Hessian town of Großkrotzenburg brought – according to the packaging – “fun card game” into the Studio. Without a closer look at the cards thrown, asks Horst Lichter yet innocently: “but That’s beautiful. Have you played as a child yourself?”. Then Deutschmanek about the motives explains to him.

Struwwelpeter-card game with stark motifs in Cash for the Rares

On the cards characters are, in fact, from the struwwelpeter printed on it. As the little Pauline, who is playing with fire and down to the shoes down burns. Or the thumb-sucker Konrad, the cutter cuts off both thumbs. And the soup-Kaspar, the hunger simply to death.

Also interesting: huge Drama in “Bares für Rares”: gold ring leaves the couple shocked

+ topsy-turvy world: The hunter shot the hare.©ZDF

Today, you would not read aloud to his children, these “funny” stories, but in the time of their creation and the history collection of the Frankfurt physician and psychiatrist Heinrich Hoffmann was a popular “educational assistance” for defiant children.

Cash for Rares: card game 1900 is worth a lot

No wonder that the card game with expert in Sven Deutschmanek not so well received: “Scary, really scary”, shudder. However, he appreciates the card game on the early 1900’s and as it is very good and complete, it could be the Trödelfan from Hessen after all, bring in 50 to 70 Euro .

The contract in the dealer round Julian Schmitz-Avila gets. To him the moral card game was 50 Euro value.

Oh interesting

read More: the seller rejects the highest bid of all time – this is the reason
