meet A woman in the night, a young man in Bremen, Germany. The 18-Year-old seems to be looking for help. As the woman a closer look, sees you and calls the police.

An 18-Year-old was in Bremen with a knife on the neck of A woman injured spotted the helpless young man on the street, police and ambulance

Bremen – In the night to Sunday, 10. In February, a woman by nighttime Bremen. Suddenly, she sees a young man, holler Allee, in the district crossed Schwachhausen. The 18-year-old seems to be looking for help – and he has also sorely needed, as* reported.

In Bad Fallingbostel, near Bremen, has taken the police by the way, an apparently confused man, as reported. He had attacked local residents with a Samurai sword.

Bremen: woman sees an injured man on holler Allee

As informed by the police, was the woman against a 0.50 at the young man on the street, because he had bleeding wounds on the neck. The immediately alerted police of Bremen supplied the 18-Year-olds until the rescue arrived forces. But what had happened?

More from Bremen: Wild chase in the Mercedes in Bremen, and there are disturbing scenes

knife attack in Bremen: Attack in the train station suburb

The 18-Year-old had to be around midnight in the area of the train station, suburban in Bremen, Germany by an unknown man attacked from behind. The perpetrators have done him with a knife stab wounds to the neck and head. The injured was immediately taken to a hospital. Danger to life consists not fortunately.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

More news from Bremen and lower Saxony

Again, there has been a terrible accident at a Kohl ride – this Time in the district of Wesermarsch.

crazy chase: A Mercedes driver sped off, fleeing from the police completely ruthless across Bremen.

A man drove his BMW head-on in to a bus. The police are investigating for negligent injury because of the Crash in Bremen-raising a hair.