stewardesses are tough and experience in their daily work, many adventurous situations, but also traumatic. So these employees.

you must be a “juice push” call, indecent touching, outrageous, or how serfs are treated. Many stewardesses are able to report act of hair-raising stories with impossible pass. This new case from the barrel, however, the ground.

Taiwanese flight attendant reported traumatic toilet incident

At a press conference, the Taiwanese airline, Eva Air reported a resolved flight attendant now, as she and two of her colleagues from an obese passenger is forced on a 14-hour flight to were, him, the toilet support . Probably about 200-Kilo man is not required but only that the women accompany him to the toilet. You should take it off and after that clean and on top of everything . He can this SURGERY due to a Hand-and probably also of the extent, allegedly, not self.

“I will remember this Moment, never,” the woman said, according to CNN. “The feces was still in the bathroom, I had no way out. When I think of it, I immediately evil. I feel traumatized.”

Refuse not the flight attendants, according to their own information. The passenger had threatened the spend remaining eleven hours of the flight on the toilet .

read More: “I know how to kill someone”: So decided Stewardess against passengers in front of

Not the first disgusting action of the three most passenger

As the action was by a Social Media Post one of the Affected to be known, had Eva Air initially tried to take the passenger. This was already flown twenty Times with the Airline without incident . A member of the trade Union of flight attendants held in the press conference, however, that the man had already requested once that you clean him after using the toilet. As the cabin crew refused, he gekotet on his seat. Now the Airline to think about a exclusion of the passenger .

also read: Must be in the plane? Passenger is filmed in bizarre action.


Airlines & flight attendants