On 6. January is the next partial Eclipse of the sun. We explain what exactly happens, and to see where the spectacle in the sky.

Munich – In the night by 5. on the 6. January 2019 is the next partial Eclipse of the sun. Last year, we were able to marvel at the spectacle as the Eclipse of the moon. Now, at the beginning of the new year of a solar Eclipse. But you will be to see in Germany and what is it exactly?

astronomy Fans is the joy of the upcoming partial solar Eclipse this will probably not be as big as the disappointment of Germany. Because of the only part of the earth, for the SoFi is to be highly visible, is the East of Russia . For this, you can Eclipse in Germany on the total lunar on June 21. January to look forward to. These will offer the viewers a huge blood moon. Some will remember the lunar Eclipse of 2018, in the case of a “Super-Blue-blood moon”.

partial Eclipse of the sun on the 6. January 2019 begins, when the moon passes from 0.34 PM in front of the sun. As a result, he darkens part of the sun and ensures that this rare celestial spectacle, scientists, as well as onlookers in the East, to Russia’s delight – very similar to July 2018, there was also darkness to partial sun.

But what is the rare sky phenomenon “partial solar Eclipse”, exactly? And in which countries in addition to Russia, you will be to see this January? We have compiled all the important facts and info about the partial SoFi kralbet 2019 for you.

Partial Eclipse of the sun in January 2019: Where will be able to see the spectacle?

Also in the North of China, you can look forward to the astronomical spectacle of the chosen group of countries, but here in the borders. Only the people at the border to Russia, are one of the Lucky ones who get to see something. Possibly even the inhabitants on the coast of Alaska starting to get a little more out of the game.

The wide East, Russia remains the area in which the partial Eclipse of the sun is by far the Largest – but even here more than half of the sun’s disk will be covered.

What exactly is a partial Eclipse of the sun?

There are many different types of solar eclipses – including total, annular and partial solar Eclipse.

total solar Eclipse the sun is obscured by the moon for a few minutes to complete. The closer the moon is to the earth, and the farther the sun is away from earth, the longer this Phase lasts. A distinction is made between the half shadow and core shadow. From the penumbra only a partial Eclipse is seen. Who is in the Umbra, can be observed from earth, a total Eclipse of the heart. By the way, begins and ends each total Eclipse of the sun, first as a partial.

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A post shared by L. Koch (@lima_kilo_1972) on Jul 28, 2018 3:37 PM PDT

The total solar Eclipse is especially true, therefore, as a particularly spectacular sky phenomenon because it offers the people of earth the opportunity to observe a range of the sun’s atmosphere, called the solar corona. Also discolor the sky in a dark Black, that you can see the brighter stars. Accordingly, total solar take place eclipses are extremely rare: The next one will be in Germany again until the 3. To see September 2081. Each solar Eclipse is only a few hundred kilometers wide strip, which is why it has, for each place, a spectacular rarity.

Of a annular Eclipse the speech is, if the size of the moon is enough to the sun to be completely obscure – its Position is described in this case as a “erdfern”. The distance between the moon and the earth is greater than that of the core shadow could reach the earth. The sun, moon and earth are in this case on a line. The observer perceives this constellation as a bright Ring around the moon.

partial solar Eclipse is described the celestial phenomenon, in turn, then, when the moon covers the sun only partially. The observer perceives the partial Eclipse of the sun as such, if the core shadow of the moon misses the earth and only the penumbra falls on their surface.

To the Eclipse of the sun in January 2019: when is the next SoFi?

Although the Eclipse is not visible in January 2019 in Germany, for astronomy Fans, but it is important. In Germany it is only on 10. June 2021, again, a partial sun Eclipse – as is the case with most of the SoFis here are just a tiny part of the sun will be obscured. Over the area of lake Constance, people on 3. September 2081, in turn, a total Eclipse of the sun, may see – and roughly a half-century later, on 7. October 2135, finally, the German Northern lights.

How long the Eclipse lasts in January?

lasts for How long the spectacle in the sky, is different from darkness to darkness. The last total solar Eclipse over Germany in 1999, came to a total of two and a half minutes. A partial solar Eclipse can last contrast, a good two and a half hours. According to the calculations of timeanddate.de the upcoming partial solar Eclipse is expected to last about four hours. Of 0.34 PM to 4.48 PM German time on the Morning of the 6. January.
