On Thursday, it was like the verdict in the child abuse trial against the 51-year-old Mike W.. Meanwhile, were more Details to the light of day.

Update from the 13. December 2018: On Thursday lunch is like at the district court of the verdict in the abuse of process: Mike W. was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison!

7. Criminal chamber of the relevant convicted man on Thursday for sexual abuse of an eight – and a nine-year-old girl in 15 cases, and possession of child pornographic material, as well as tank fraud.

The prosecution had demanded 3 years. Criminal tempering had been affected by the fact that the accused was guilty and in a co-operative had shown. As a result, he had spared the children, in the main hearing statements.

judge Dr. Joachim Bock noted at the time of sentencing, that on several occasions the question in the room would have been, why the children would have stayed to such a late time in the premises of the Miramars. This was not, however, be determined by the court, but by the parents of the children and the operators of the leisure pool.

by the office of the Prosecutor requested arrest warrant is not issued. The defender, wanted to reach a suspended sentence will be appealed to the Federal court of justice. Previously, the defendant had stated in his closing remarks that he was aware of his misconduct and punishment will take.

message from 7. November 2018: The 51-Year-old is said to have made repeatedly in sexual activities with two children in a leisure pool. This fact should only be a total of 15 offences, which he committed in the period of several months (last updated in March 2017). As the district court Mannheim on Wednesday (7. November), informed him, among other things, to load, to have underwater pictures of naked girls under the age of 14.

such As the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung reported, should have the deeds in Miramar leisure pool wear . The Prosecutor’s office wanted to on Friday (9. November), at the request of mannheim24.de* however, do not confirm.

However, the swimming pool is expressed to these incidents, however, very vague when it comes to the question of whether these acts are actually done in Miramar.

Hardy Prothmann, press adviser to the leisure pool writes: “At 11. March 2017, there was an incident in the bathroom, in which a man is said to have a striking behavior compared to the two 9-year-old girl. The suspect should then be 50 years old been in and out of Koblenz. Whether it is in the accused man to these suspects, the Miramar is not known.“

Alleged perpetrators to justice

Due to suspicion of the sexual Ensobet abuse of children is the defendant on the 26. November must answer before the district court. The man should also have image files with a children – and youth-pornographic content . A judgment on 13. December fall.

More about

Always sexual Assaults occur in Miramar. Within a year, three women were raped in the leisure pool. In February 2018, with two ten-year-old girl by a 50-molesting-Year-old sexually. A few weeks later, then the next incident: A man masturbated-Year two 14 -.

In a jubilee celebration of the Freizeitbads in October, announced CEO Marcus rock Hard: “I argue that the Miramar is the most beautiful water Park in all of Germany. The situation here is unique.”

*MANNHEIM24 is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.
