Prime Minister of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow, has called for a new national anthem. Especially the thought of the Nazis not letting go of him while Singing the “song of the Germans”.


Ramelows counterpart in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – Michael Kretschmer, Reiner Haseloff (both CDU), Dietmar Woidke and Manuela Schwesig (both SPD) – contradicted in unison. The debate about a new anthem was unnecessary and send the wrong Signal.

Thuringia’s CDU-in-chief Mike Mohring accused the Left-politician an intolerable “political iconoclasm against a Symbol of the Federal Republic of Germany”. Saarland’s Prime Minister, Tobias, Hans (CDU), was: “He weakens his proposal, the identification of the citizens of our state, to strengthen, instead of you.” Support came from some of the GDR civil rights activists, including the theologian Friedrich Schorlemmer.

New national anthem? Haselhoff and flower respond critically to Ramelow

Update 12.38 PM: Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff has spoken out against a new national anthem, as she had proposed to his Thuringian counterpart, Bodo Ramelow (Left). “We should deal with the issues on which urgent action is needed, such as, for example, the energy revolution or the development of rental rates,” said the CDU politician on Thursday. “As an East German I have to say, the content of the national anthem has been a reason for the Federal Republic to join. After all, for this was: “Unity and right and freedom…””. He thought Ramelows proposal, therefore, entirely superfluous.

CSU General Secretary Markus Blume said: “If Mr Ramelow of the SED-followers of the left party has a Problem with Unity and justice and freedom, then he should reconsider his stance, but not our national anthem change.”

first message: “Can’t hide the Nazi marches”: Bodo Ramelow wants a new national anthem

Erfurt – we Need a new national anthem? It was after Bodo Ramelow, Minister-President of Thuringia, and the representatives of the party “The Left”, so the answer is: Yes!

“I sing the third verse of our national anthem, but I can’t hide the image of the Nazi rallies from 1933 to 1945,” said Ramelow in an Interview with the “Rheinische Post” on Thursday.

Bodo Ramelow advertises for a new national anthem: First verse since the Nazi period

frowned upon The German national anthem consists of the third verse of the “song of the Germans” by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, beginning with the words: “Unity and justice and freedom”. The Nazis were only the first verse singing (“Germany, Germany above all”) and miss the song needed, therefore, for Propaganda purposes, which is why the first verse nowadays is frowned upon. Recently, the AfD-politician Björn Höcke caused a stir by saying that he sang enjoyed at an event in Bavaria, the first verse of the Germany hymn with his party.

Bodo Ramelow wants a new national anthem: “Everyone should not be declared to be able to identify”

Ramelow, that he was Far from the only one, the other national anthem and not with the wishes of “Many East Germans are singing the anthem, and I would hope that we would have a truly common national anthem. So far, this desire has provided, unfortunately, only for the indignant excitement,“ regrets Ramelow.

especially the statement of the anthem is important, Ramelow, suggests: “A new Text that is so catchy that all can identify with and say: This is mine.”

also read: Bavarian high school graduates horrified: With such a severe test, no one was expecting. Even highly gifted math geniuses could not solve the task fully.
