at the end of June to hit an 18-Year-old a seniors. The murder trial is now excluded from the Public.

Hannover – At the start of the murder trial of an 18-year-old racer, the Hanover regional court has excluded the Public. The young man had a personality disorder in the emotional-social area with a depressive and suicidal behavior, said the presiding judge of the youth chamber on Thursday.

It is to be feared that his condition deteriorated massively, should the listener keep track of the process. The media must, at the request of the defence, has submitted a psychiatric evaluation, during the entire main hearing in the court room.

The 18-Year-old by the end of June, an 82-year-old pedestrian with a stolen sports car, on the run from the police run over. The fact happened in the early Morning in the pedestrian area of Hannover in close proximity to the main train station. The Betticket accused are murder, from a low move, road hazard, theft, Driving without a license and hit-and-run accused.
