A plane in the Alaska Airlines was the first to land with two hours of delay. But the passengers were not upset about the delay.

Alaska Airlines flight AS401 should bring the passengers actually inside of two hours from Las Vegas to Seattle. However, due to fog, the Pilot first received a permit to Land. What is for most travellers a Nuisance, turned out to be in this case, however, as a unique experience.

passenger reports of unusual delay is happening

On the Online Forum Reddit, one of the passengers of the flight AS401 reported by the numerous loops had to turn the Pilot over the airport. After some time the fog is still not lifted, the Pilot came finally to a brilliant idea: kill Instead of the time with the loops, he decided the passengers to make a joy and turned the machine . Prior to that, he sought the permission of the air traffic control in Seattle.

a trip to Mount Rainier national Park güvenilir bahis siteleri in Washington state . There, the crew offered the passengers to approximately 5,000 meters height a wonderful view on the 4.392-Meter-high mountain Mount Rainier . Snapshots on Reddit and Twitter, show the unique perspective of the passengers to the national Park. “ That was the best delay ever , ” said the user “wingman2011”.

the Best Part of an In-Air Delay During a Flight to Seattle – Mt. Rainier, Washington, from 17,000 feet [3024 × 4032] [OC] from r/earth-porn

interesting : the plane flies a whole six hours – from Köln to Köln.

It had not been his experience after the first Time, that the passengers echauffierten about a delay. The Pilot said the flight’s occupants during the Tour, where it is going, and acted as a kind of tour guide . He circled the top of the mountain, so all the passengers got a great view of the mountain. After two hours late the flight finally landed in Seattle.

also read : This compensation is available to you in case of flight delay.

These are the things you should note in the aircraft