On the island of Norderney, there was a mysterious discovery. An unknown mass was washed out of the North sea and widespread panic.

On the East Frisian island of Norderney was a Mysterious discovery made by hundreds of unknown nuggets from the North sea were on the beach washed up is Currently being analysed, what the flotsam and Jetsam of the Material a risk?

Norderney – Large guesswork to the mysterious discovery was made on the beach of the East Frisian island of Norderney – the next larger cities are Oldenburg and Bremen. How to nordbuzz.de* reported, are hundreds of unknown clumps that were washed up on the beach of the island and several kilometres of distributed layers. the out of the peculiar flotsam and Jetsam, maybe even a danger to the public?

Mysterious discovery on the island of Norderney and Langeoog: clumps from the North sea in panic

spread “the discovery on the beach of the island, we were informed on Sunday”, said a spokesman for the police. the Currently, it is still entirely unclear what it is in the case of the mysterious flotsam and Jetsam from the North sea. is Currently the state company for water management, coastal defence and nature conservation (NLWKN) investigates the washed-up lumps. According to Carsten Lippe, spokesman for the state Department for waterway, coastal and nature conservation, was the authority for that reason, you are not responsible. to be able to

a quick clarification of the composition ensure that is taken from a sample and to Hamburg sent . Recently, it came to a death-Drama of the North sea. How nordbuzz.de* reported to have capsized a sailing boat in the Jade near Oldenburg and Wilhelmshaven.

How dangerous are the washed clumps from the North sea? Guesswork to the beach, on the island of Norderney

Carsten Lippe asks the population to be patient: “knowledge is to be expected in the coming days,” said the spokesman. the Meanwhile, the unknown lump from the North sea have been discovered on the neighbouring island of Langeoog. According to the “East Frisian courier” smell the strange mass is also unpleasant.

Meanwhile, the cleaning up individual sections of the beach has started through a special beach cleaning machines. What happens with the mysterious flotsam and Jetsam , then, will only be decided after the completion of the ongoing analysis. In Hamburg, it came to a shocking incident: A man is said to have given a 14-year-old girl vodka and cocaine. In his VW, the purest Horror to read how to nordbuzz.de* is followed. It also is rolled up in Lüneburg, the Cold Case of a suspected serial killer. More than 200 deeds may go to the account of the former cemetery gardener?

*nordbuzz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

+ of the unknown Material a threat?©picture alliance/dpa