Netflix subscribers have already been able to discover the event mini-series “Tapie” on Netflix since Wednesday. Bernard Tapie’s wife too, and she shared her feelings with Europe 1.

Netflix subscribers were finally able to discover the mini-series “Tapie”. The seven episodes, looking back on the 1001 lives of the businessman, politician, television host and boss of OM before being pursued by the courts, were released on the streaming platform on September 13. However, those close to Bernard Tapie opposed the project, as did the businessman himself during his lifetime.

Since then, Dominique Tapie, the businessman’s widow, has seen the Netflix series. At the microphone of Europe 1, she did not fail to share her feelings, more nuanced than one might expect: “We must recognize that the series is very well played, that [Laurent] Lafitte, by some moments, represented my husband very well. On that, frankly, I have nothing to say.”

However, Bernard Tapie’s widow did not fail to attack the program, reproaching “liberties on events which have nothing to do with reality”. She thus ensures that her book, “The Fury of Living”, tells more of the truth than what the series can do. Dominique Tapie also has a particular criticism to make of the series: the way in which their private life was represented, but also the way in which they wrote her character, played by Joséphine Japy: “I didn’t find myself at all me in my role. At one point I was almost put in charge of affairs, which I have never done in my life. Given my situation, people still need to understand that no, I have not never signed or participated in any way in my husband’s companies.”

Even before its release, the “Tapie” series was at the heart of the controversy. Bernard Tapie, who died on October 3, 2021, had expressed, during his lifetime, his disagreement with such a project: “Doing it without asking for my agreement in principle is not very good. There are things that need to be done we don’t do it. Whether there are documentaries is something else, but borrowing my name is a bit heavy,” he declared in the columns of Var Matin, in 2021. Tristan Séguéla, screenwriter and director of the series, reportedly replied that his agreement was not necessary, also refusing that his son be associated with the project.

When promoting the series on social networks, Netflix notably described Bernard Tapie as a “scammer”, before removing his terms from its advertising campaigns. Here again, the Tapie family had explicitly expressed their disagreement. Her daughter, Sophie Tapie, spoke out on social networks: “There are no limits to disrespect,” she wrote. Laurent Lafitte then wanted to respond to the criticism, affirming that the family “could not criticize […] because they have not yet seen” the series.