In the conversation switches to you again and again from German to English and back. No question, Gayle Tufts wanders between the worlds, between the United States, where they originated, and of the German capital, where she has lived for almost three decades. On Saturday 20 at the entertainer, author of the book “American Woman sings,” in the Munich Lustspielhaus. “American Woman” is also the title of your stage program.

The evening is “American Woman” – in the meantime you have become German. He wouldn’t have to hot to be consistent, “the German Woman”?

I am dealing exactly with this question. I describe the decision-making process to be, after 27 years, in Germany German, starting with the night of the election from the 9. November 2016 and ending with my going to the naturalization office. It is a love letter to both sides.

The choice of Donald trump as President was the reason for the change of citizenship?

Well, it’s the last Straw, was, would, as we say, the icing on the cake is, but the real reason is that I live here and my taxes pay for. I wanted to have a share in the privilege of being here even on the politics. I have chosen on Sunday for the first Time as a European, this was very Special for me.

About you is said, to build bridges between the United States and Germany – where the biggest misconceptions lie because?

It always depends on which side you are standing straight. I was the other day with my pianist Marian Lux and his parents for dinner. And his father comes from Poland and the GDR, has said: “The Americans are so superficial. Friendly, but superficial!“ And I said, ‘ no, that seems to be the only way. We think positive, we are friendly, Yes, it makes the life easier, if one is nice to each other.

And what the Americans say about the Germans?

That the Germans are humourless. But of course that is not the case, and what I find very interesting, is the regionality of humour. It’s a lot of laughter, but in the North unlike in the South.

there Are also similarities between the Germans and the Americans?

I think what both have in common is a deep love for music, theatre and Entertainment. To the culture, as you say here would. Maybe that’s how I feel, because I’m in this industry, but, but, that is not so. Germany of course has a much longer history, the United States is a young country – we’re not even 250 years old. We have a very different sense of time, I always say: In the us Britney Spears is under monument protection.

criticize you, like many others, Donald Trump and his “America first”. But the nationalists there are in Europe…

I recently NPD-seen posters, on which resistance choose status: “!”. And I thought: to be in resistance is to be a Nazi! This is crazy! But whether in Germany, Hungary or France – it is the same everywhere! The world is complicated, and people are looking for simple answers. Of course, these are not answers really, but it sounds good. I think it is important to stay in the conversation. To stay human. I’m trying to get on stage, I read and I sing, tell stories, we laugh, we cry and then we laugh again. Compassion is what we need right now.

I Understand you correctly, that the rise of the AfD has also to do with lack of compassion?

I think people feel they are not heard. I noticed in America when those who have chosen Trump. People who have lost their Job, taxpayers are wondering where their money is going. People who distrust the politicians. The feeling that I’m getting something taken away. I just had a Meeting with the Berlin radio choir, with which we can make a program of 30 years, the fall of the wall. The East chancel, and if you talk to people, then say: “We wanted to change our country, we wanted to exist for it to stop.” There are many reasons for dissatisfaction. It is important to stay with each other in conversation.

That was the least of the currency of the policy: We must listen to the people in the East. But it is not become better…

not Yet! Of course, the big questions need to be answered: Where are the limits of capitalism? What’s next for our planet? But we must also engage in the Small, in our neighborhood, and, Yes, it might sound like a American simply, perhaps more often smile. Older the door stop, a Pregnant offer the seat in the Bus. This is good for us all.

A word about the European elections with the good result for the Greens in Germany, but also with good results for the right-wing populists and for the Brexit…

thank God, the Right not to have performed as well as predicted. And that many people have chosen the Green, I think it’s good. This is interesting in Brussels. And the Brexit – let’s forget it! When the wall fell, I thought: Yeah, democracy for all in Europe! I still had the image of David Hasselhoff on the wall in front of your eyes and a Song in your ear: “I’ve been looking for Freedom!” Today I say: We should have known then, that what begins with a Soundtrack of David Hasselhoff, is not going to end well.

The conversation Rudolf Ogiermann led.

see also: böhm, man and the stache-Video – Explosive information has surfaced? Satirist keeps covered