The acoustics in the Florian hall of the Jesenwanger fire house is deficient. There always complain that it comes at parties, training courses and lectures “noisy”.

Jesenwang – The local Council wants to retrofit, therefore, a sound protection.

“is aware of The Problem, we planned for 2018 already 5000 Euro for acoustic panels in the budget,” says mayor Erwin Fraunhofer (CSU). The plates should actually be in the course of the new Padişahbet building of the adjacent children’s house installed. It turned out, however, that such a project to the target price. “The plates don’t fit,” says town hall boss. It would have been so much waste that the installation is more than Double the budget approach would have cost.

This is not to say, however, that the fire Department has to live with the Problem. Now acoustics are planned sailing. These are to be financed according to Fraunhofer, with 5000 euros. “We will be in 2019 take care of it,” declared the hall boss. ad