a weather phenomenon Brings with it an extremely cold January? An expert says Yes – another All: nonsense!

Update from 30. December 2018: the century-Winter to Germany? Or, at least, an extremely cold? This is still not safe. The phenomenon could lead to the we have described them already in detail below.

Said strong heating of the atmosphere, moreover is the pretty name of “Berlin phenomenon”, according to the wetterdienst.de because it was discovered by the scientist Richard Scherhag in the 50s and this was a researcher at the Free University of Berlin.

, And January 2019 is now extremely cold, or not? Focus.de says: Yes. “A phenomenon will bring us in January, the extreme winter”, it says, substantiated by an article and a Video to come in the Jan Schenk, a meteorologist from The Weather Channel word. At the end of January will expected to be an atmospheric response to the “Berlin phenomenon”, he explains. “This is nothing more than a massive cold air intrusion from the East”. The time was not yet clear. Finally, it gave in February of 2018, as in Lübeck, the temperatures dropped to minus 20 degrees.

Quite different to see a meteorologist Dominik Jung. His contribution to daswetter.com comes from the 21. December, but is expected to still have validity: “In the last few weeks, the talk was often of a polar vortex. This would divide, and then Europe, an icy Winter. This is really arrant nonsense to individual hobby meteorologists in the industry,“ him in the living room.

Jung continued: “the fact is: According to current reputable status, no icy winters. It is currently mild and it stays until the end of the year, very mild. With a winter is expected this year. The new year starts according to the current state is mild and without snow.“

century-Winter in Germany? This danger comes from the North pole

Our article of 21. December 2018:

Munich – The scenario sounds scary. The West Wind brings in the Winter mild Atlantic air to Germany, comes to a Standstill. Instead, a cold flow from the East, the Russian winter, transported by air in the Federal Republic of Germany. The result: record-low temperatures and a winter of the Century.

The scenario sounds dramatic, according to Reports in the Washington Post but by no means unrealistic. The meteorological phenomenon that could lead to, is the polar vortex split.

also read: The latest forecasts predict for Christmas currently warm temperatures.

weather phenomenon at the North pole can bring the winter of the Century

A polar vortex split can occur if the winter weather in the Northern polar-Region of its usual dynamics. Normally, a polar vortex that transports mild air from the West to Central Europe, there is formed by the lack of sunlight.

you can read here all latest information about the weather in Germany.

In irregular intervals there are, however, a so-called “strong heating”, the temperature of the stratosphere in a few days to more than 50 degrees. In order to is warmer than the air further to the South, and turns around the winch. Instead of from the West, the air suddenly comes out of the East, the polar vortex breaks.

“New York Metro Weather” released this Animation of the phenomenon:

“About five to six times per decade, however, there is a so-called ‘sudden stratospheric warming’, the standing, can lead to the weakening and Southward shift of the polar lows, or, as it is now before even the formation of a high over the North pole. With other words: The strong West winds will be replaced by weaker or even due East winds,” said climate researcher Dr. Martin Stendel from the Danish Meteorological Institute for the image.

The American TV weather channel “The Weather Channel” published a forecast:

winter of the Century: How the polar vortex affects weather

Without the “polar vortex” and Europe is missing an important defence against the cold weather from the East. The temperatures in Winter are much lower, because of the warming effect of the sea and ocean is missing. Land masses cool off in the Winter much stronger. In addition, the Gulf stream provides continuously heat to Western Europe, which is redirected by winds from the West to Germany. The Wind rotates the Russian cold is coming instead of Portuguese Mild to Europe and the Winter could be really cold.

So far it is not yet. A strong warming of the Northern polar stratosphere occurs on average about every two years. How strongly it affects the winds and the Winter in Germany, depends on many factors, and can currently be impossible to predict.

weather: so really the cold?

“According to the calculations of the us national weather service, NOAA, January will be mild. Still mild, it is hardly – and these calculations are from the 17. December, are so very out of date. The polar vortex sounds awfully dramatic. It is now derived from a century of winter. From my point of view completely over-hasty,“ said meteorologist Dominik Jung from the Portal Wetter.net to image.

climate scientist Professor sahabet Mojib Latif of GEOMAR Helmholtz centre for ocean research adds to the picture: “You can’t say the next Winter before, although there are always relevant messages. That would be from my point of view crystal-ball gazing. The polar vortex may be for the current cold weather in the United States, but was thrown a lot of mess and nobody knows how he will develop in the coming weeks and months.“

polar vortex split: How dangerous is the weather phenomenon is?

The polar vortex split can bring a lot of cold. The Chance that a every two years, occurring weather phenomenon leads to a winter of the Century, are low. However, the polar vortex split is coming this year, especially early on, some weather experts. This particularly long cold air could come to Europe and the Winter against the February cold. Whether it is actually so, time will tell.

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