The comedy originally aired on Fox from 2003 to 2006. Amid rumors that the series could be moving to Showtime, creator Mitchell Hurwitz noted that he had been”more worried about letting the fans concerning the caliber of the show falling” than he was about the show being picked up for another year .

“I had taken it as far as I felt I could as a string,” he said in a 2006 interview with Entertainment Weekly. “I told the story I wished to tell, and we’re getting to a point in which I feel plenty of the actors were ready to proceed. … If there’s a way to continue this in a form that is not weekly episodic series tv, I’d be up for it.”

Six years after its cancellation, season 4 of Arrested Development began manufacturing. New episodes were released on Netflix at 2013, with the first half of year 5 hitting on the streaming platform in late 2018. The show came to an end in 2019.

“It is very surreal performing a project for 15 years,” Alia Shawkat, who played Maeby Fünke in all five seasons, told The New York Times in a roundtable with the cast in 2018. “Notably transitioning from a child to an adult. When we completed [in 2006], I was 18, and I did not work for a little time since… I was like,’This really is just a lousy version of an angsty teen.’ I was like,’I can not do this. ”’

Returning into the Bluth family for its subsequent seasons wasn’t a struggle for Jessica Walter. “Lucille is in my DNA now,” the late actress, who died in March 2021, informed the socket at the moment.

The Bluths may not have become the picture-perfect family, but behind the scenes, the cast felt like you.

“From the first moment we all worked together, we got a sense that there was a chemistry and that there was some thing about this group of people who worked,” May Arnett stated of his costars. “Through the good, and the poor, and the difficult, along with the highs of winning the Emmy, once we all stood on this point in 2004, there’s something which pushes us together. And I can tell you from my personal experience… all these are people whom I enjoy being with and creating with.”