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(Dagbladet): Each year, killed around 30 people in connection with fritidsbåtulykker here in the country. And småbåtulykker has unfortunately already taken life this spring and early summer.
Now is the boating season in full swing. And while the boats have had their annual vårpuss, many have forgotten the important detail that can save lives.
The missed check
It’s all about inflatable life jackets that are becoming more and more popular, but that are not maintenance-free.
FAKE SECURITY: Jon Amtrup warns boaters against the inflatable redningsvestens false sense of security – if you forget to test it. Photo: Private Show more
– Redningsvestene can give a false sense of security because the owner keeps or uses it incorrectly, or does not provide for the proper maintenance, ” says båtbokforfatter Jon Amtrup.
Nine out of ten fritidsbåteiere states not to have checked the west before use.
– Never been a greater interest in natural
the Jacket need annual inspection and maintenance. A survey conducted by Norstat for the Norwegian Directorate for civil protection and emergency, revealed that only 13 per cent of the users of the inflatable vests knew that vestene had to have annual inspection.
– I was just a guest on board my sailboat that had not checked his vest on the 12 years she had owned and used it, says Amtrup.
– It can be directly fatal.
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The slurver to check the jacket provide three main causes to to drop control of the west.
This makes the errors
All is about lack of knowledge. The largest group responding that they do not know that there is a maintenance requirements life jackets (39 per cent), while a quarter (25 per cent) do not know what you should check. A last quarter (23 per cent) say that they forget or do not take the time to check the west.
– I’ve let the kids get test the west with the expired cartridges so that they get to know how the west works, and how they can regulate the air pressure by means of a valve, says Amtrup.
Therefore, you must make it.
The inflatable redningsvestene have two different utløsermetoder. The manual, where you pull a cord which causes the Co?-cartridge fills a large “sausage” with air. It is this gem that makes you float in the water. Co?-cartridge should also be able to be triggered automatically by a small cellulosetablett or call 8 (also referred to as saltpatron) which ensures that a staple is protruding holes on the gasspatronen when you fall in the water.
Out of date: Have you checked the date of the release mechanism on the jacket? Photo: Odd Roar Lange Show more
These cellulosetablettene must be replaced, preferably annually. Many manufacturers have datomerket the release mechanism.
I replace the tablet every year. And the actual cartridge I weigh to see if it has the same weight as indicated on the cartridge. If there is a discrepancy of more than ten percent, so I buy a new, continuing Amtrup. the
Take a check on the vestene your today. Both Co?-cartridge, cellulosetabletten and the gem must be checked.
Here you see Redningsselskapets tips to how to check on your own.
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Ask experienced dealers, the fire and rescue service or Redningsskøytenes crew for help. They are happy to help you.
And, whether you’re going to have this year’s Norgesferie by land or by sea: with Dagbladet tips for Norgesferien here.
Sweden can put a stop to danmarksferien dinside
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