what it looks Like when a 100 year old heritage variety with full throttle in the 21st century. Century has arrived, and shows for the past 10 years, the GOP at the Max II monument in the Munich Maximilian street.

show programs of “dreamlike, playful” and “avant-garde-experimental” to “incredibly strange” continue to amaze the guests. So also in the new show program “Fashion”.

Paris, Berlin, Milan – “Fashion” brings the GOP to the Glamour of the fashion scene to the vaudeville theatre and gives you a glimpse behind the Scenes of a world, in the elegance and beauty of the laws write.

A small workshop and is preparing for a big fashion show: The new Show “Fashion” gives a glimpse into the dazzling world of fashion. Highly talented artists and performers can stage with a lot of Aesthetics, dynamics, and Humor the lives of the designers, Models and stylists, the fashion circus with a mix.

GOP Varieté-Theater: Fashion