up In Strasbourg on Tuesday night shots at a Christmas market. Several people died, several are wounded. The offender is on the run, well the bad police are glitches known.

On Tuesday night there was gunfire in the city center of Strasbourg. Three people were ripped out of the life, in addition, more than a dozen injured. According to the police, the perpetrators Cherif C. is still volatile, 350 security forces are involved in the search. In France, the highest terror is now a warning level. In Germany, too, is a wanted man. Soldiers shot the alleged perpetrator. He was the French authorities as a potential threat is known. In Germany, the alleged attacker was sitting, as well as in France and Switzerland, due to slumps in the prison.

>>> Update <<<

11.09 am: on the Morning of the assassination, the police had visited the alleged assassin Chérif Chekatt in his apartment to him because of an attempted killing, arrest them. So far, it was said, Chekatt had not been this Morning at home. However, as the “image”newspaper reported, was that wrong: Accordingly, the police found the 29-Year-old together with some well-Known in his home – Chekatt have, however, been able to flee. A heavy police breakdown, if it should actually have.

In the subsequent search of his apartment, investigators found several weapons – including a grenade, a pistol and several hunting knives.

Shortly after the attack on the Christmas market is also still heavily armed soldiers Cherif Chekatt could seem to escape. They shot at him, wounded the assassin. Nevertheless, he managed to escape again. However, this is not according to Bild newspaper: “Unclear is why the police pursued the bombers immediately, and he was able to escape by Taxi – his escape under the circumstances, even by tram continued,” – said in the report.

10.20 PM: In Aschaffenburg, Germany, began on Thursday morning, a large-scale police operation*. The exact circumstances are still unclear. As informed by the police of lower Franconia now, there is no risk to uninvolved persons. On Twitter, however, is denied a second Time, a connection with the events in Strasbourg.


Terror in Strasbourg: Ex-lawyer of the assassin grabs manhunt in Bavaria

9: 29 PM:

Also, this should interest you: In France, another activist came to the “yellow West” lost their lives. The 23-Year-old has been captured, according to the Prosecutor’s office on Wednesday night in Avignon by a truck and killed. The accident took place, therefore, shortly after midnight on a roundabout near a motorway exit. Presumably from Poland-born Truck driver was taken into police custody.

this is the sixth of the dead since the beginning of the “yellow West”protests about a month ago. Four activists were also killed in traffic accidents, and another activist was injured in Marseille by a tear gas grenade and died later in the hospital.

7.45 PM: Still wanted by the assassin Cherif C., in France, the highest terror is still warning level. The 29-Year-old is in Germany, not a blank slate, reinforced border controls between Germany and France will continue to be Maintained. As the image reported, and a spokeswoman for the Federal police calls, the police in the whole of Baden-Württemberg.

Accordingly, not only the border crossing Kehl-Strasbourg would be controlled increasingly, even the normal road traffic and public transport will be checked. Pedestrians and cyclists would have to reckon with checks, in the rush to be expected with longer delays. Also in Bavaria is looking for him.

the stop in Strasbourg, a Former lawyer of the assassin is surprised

06.54 PM: Two days after the attack on a Christmas market in Strasbourg, more and more Details come to light. Accordingly, the assassin Cherif C. a repeatedly convicted offender, should have been 27 Times before the court. In the image of his former criminal defender voice now. Thomas Röder defended Cherif C. when he had to answer in the year 2016 before Betnano the district court to Sing for burglary and theft.

The 29-Year-old could be convicted, thanks to Video recordings, to be in a dental practice in Mainz, and in a pharmacy in Close broke, so the image. Although Cherif C. confessed to the deeds, he was sentenced to two years and three months in prison. Lawyer Thomas Röder was exactly in this case, the public defender of the assassin. Two days after the attack on the Christmas market, Röder shows surprise in the picture: “I would not have expected something like that. We have here more people from Strasbourg, in Germany of a break-in tour, and I represented then. To be quite honest: Since I had now other in suspicion.“

+ He is said to have made the shots on the Christmas market in Strasbourg, The French police published on Wednesday another mug shot of Cherif C.©AFP/Handout

public defender about Strasbourg Christmas market-offender: “Never alcohol or illegal drugs”

Therefore, he said, to the then 27-Year-old no radical tendencies, only be more stringent Think he noticed. “He placed great value on have never taken alcohol, or use illegal drugs. It was also important to him that he had to eat in the prison of pork. I should push him extra again,“ said his former public defender Röder. His complete punishment did not have to serve Cherif C. in Germany, however. After six months of multiple-Offenders was reported to France.

Röder, more surprised: “My client was actually launched a very affable guy, and often Joke. In court, he was always very – and also because he is inexperienced and just court.“

also read: Heavy train accident in Ankara: trains – Overpass collapses on cars.

the News from Strasbourg, from Wednesday, 13. December

police checks to stop on the Christmas market in Strasbourg – images