Juso-chief Kevin Kühnert has proven with his thoughts to play to Collective of companies such as BMW and his party a disservice. The recent polls show.

Munich/Berlin –The debate on Kevin Kühnerts socialism-theses, not the voters. Three weeks before the European elections, the social Democrats lose, according to the Forsa poll, two percentage points compared with the previous week and only 15 per cent.

profiteer of this development, the Union parties, the improve by two percentage points to 29 percent, the survey commissioned by RTL and ntv.

read also the comment on merkur.de: the SPD survey crash: Enemy States

“With the collective claims of Kevin Kühnert and the more subdued Distancing of the SPD-top of these demands, the SPD alienated, Once again, over eleven million former SPD-voters from the political and social center, the no-longer wish to give the SPD of your voice“, the analysis of the Forsa chief Manfred Güllner. “The SPD fails to recognise once again that you can win with redistributive issues, and a prononcierten on the left of course never has a choice.”

Maly advises Kühnert to the music

Nuremberg’s Lord mayor Ulrich Maly (SPD) made it clear to the mercury, that it has long been no majority opinion in the SPD is that the state economy is a real Alternative to the social market economy.

“If you wanted to take Kevin Kühnert seriously, it would be a very terrible about his Expression upset. If I wanted to pedagogically deal with him, I would play him the tape of Voluntary self-control: The have sung ,Who is 20 not a Communist, a good Democrat will never’“.

of Course, it was the privilege of the youth to think radical, said Maly. “On the other hand, he has Juso-Federal Chairman responsible for the overall party, and since it was the wrong diction at the wrong time, so shortly before the European elections.”

don’t be a rampaging Kapitlismus “more at Google, Uber or Facebook”

to engage in a debate about wild capitalism, false, Maly. “But not just with the example of BMW! The wild capitalism, I would rather the Google, Uber and Facebook’s of this world, not even really taxing.“

Munich’s mayor Dieter Reiter holds a debate on the distribution of wealth in our country is quite important. “Against the Background of an ever-diverging gap between the Poor and the rich, in particular, also in Munich,” said the SPD politician.

‘ve proved with his Statements of the Juso-Chairman of the topic “a disservice”: “It is wrong for me, a whole-of-society discussion on a single company. Just BMW is a socially responsible operating company and a good employer for its many Thousand employees.“

Kühnert remains in his theses – Söder sees more

Kühnert itself remains, in spite of the attacks from ranks of the SPD, in his theses: “I do not think that I have damaged the SPD,” he said on Sunday evening in the ARD program ‘ Anne Will. The policy should not align with any debate only after the party’s tactical advantage. “We are told all the time that we are discussing only yaw to the next polls, but not all the great questions of the time.”

For the Union Kühnerts Comments are a welcome template in the European election campaign. “Kühnert trying to put only what is thought, in some SPD rear of the rooms already,” said CSU leader Markus Söder. “This is not an opinion of a lost and confused young functionary. But this is actually a longing feeling that is behind it, Parts of the Left of the SPD.“ The common EPP candidate, Manfred Weber (CSU) warned of possible left alliances in Europe and in the Federal.

Klaus Rimpel