journalists of the World have never been as passionate about the issues of fractured identity… After The Community, the excellent work by Raphaëlle Bacqué and Ariane Chemin, it is the turn of two journalists working for the daily Gérard Davet and Fabrice Man to publish inshallah, a survey of “islamization, face to face,” in Seine-Saint-Denis.

The duo of journalists, authors of A President should not say it (Stock), have seized on this theme in an echo to these words of unexpected François Hollande : “there is a problem with islam, it is true. No doubt. “They have directed the work of five students (Ivalve Trippenbach, Célia Mebroukine, Romain Gaspar, Hugo Wintrebert and Charles Delouche) for eight months on this topic is highly flammable. If we can pester marketing a bit braggart – especially with the use of the term ” inquiry spotlight “, in reference to a team of journalists from the Boston Globe who uncovered a major scandal of pedophile priests in the United States in 2002, the facts are there, raw and precise. The inside scoop, it is the ordinariness of the behaviour of rupture with the French company. Through twenty portraits of witnesses and direct actors of the phenomenon, we measure the magnitude of separatism in social and religious work in this department close to Paris.


The great reporters in the World, Gerard Davet and Fabrice Human.

© Vincent Chapman/Fayard As usual, swarms of small shop-keepers of the identity – of the right as on the left – precipitated on this book, with the hope of finding enough to provide water to their mills policy. The principle is simple : accuse the opposing camp of” islamogauchiste “or” islamophobic ” is the best way to proclaim himself the winner of a debate which has Modabet not taken place. There is also this witness that rattle. “After having discovered with horror that the title and sub-title of the book, I’m unbranded on social networks “, explains in a column published on Mediapart, the teacher Véronique Decker, to which a whole chapter is devoted. “Everything that is written in the book is true “, she says, yet the journalists of Francetvinfo. And clarify ” my remarks have not been deformed, they were cooked “. In short, it does not deny his words, but is concerned that they can be interpreted in what she considers ” a buzz malicious purposes, political, and commercial […], a book contemptuous and contemptible “.

A préfète who speaks cash

But while there is debate as to whether two witnesses have said what they have said and the tone in which they thought to have said, nobody looks at the content of the book. And that’s a shame. Because inshallah deserves to be read as much as the facts deserve to be known.

The chapter devoted to “the préfète who speaks cash” offers an illustration XXL of schizophrenia in which the state machine is capable, stretched between her desire to “not make waves” and the process of fracture of identity which it has knowledge. “The population has completely been transformed. The Whites are gone, the Arab non-muslims, or fully integrated in the crucible republican go too. Remain overwhelmingly those who are willing to live with no meat, no possibility for women to walk around in the public space, ” says the préfète to equal opportunities Fadela Benrabia in the chapter which is devoted to him. She continues : “When I arrived in Seine-Saint-Denis, the mass impressed me. The mass of scarves and bearded. The first ceremony of naturalization, I was a little taped. You just make a speech on the values of the Republic, and you give of the decrees of naturalization to women who wear the niqab, ” says this high official named in 2016.

not All of them have this vision. Elected to the patronage uninhibited, trade unionists seduced by the temptation of the community or the religious evil influence political crowd in this book, a real book artisans of the break.

inshallah, islamization, face uncovered, under the direction of Gérard Davet and Fabrice, the Man, edited by Fayard, 290 pages, 20 €.