” faster, higher, stronger. “The Safety of road seems to want to make his own the motto of the olympic Games in the field of the sanction. In the program, the Turret, the radar new generation which will soon take over the edge of the French roads. More than 6 000 are expected to be deployed by 2020, according to the website Radar-Auto.

equipment with the ability to control is without common measurement with those currently in operation in the territory. These columns 4 metres high and are equipped with cameras with high resolution (36 megapixel) and can flash simultaneously with up to 32 vehicles.

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most Importantly, they do not just control the speed. The radar-type Turret can punish the red lights burned, overtaking not permitted, the non-observance of safety distances, the use of the phone at the wheel or even the absence of a belt, a non-exhaustive list.

6 000 turrets to the horizon 2020

This model, designed in France, is already known Hermesbet to a party of motorists. Several prototypes are currently being tested in different configurations. Thus, it is found on rapid transit routes (Bordeaux, Marseille…), at junctions with red lights (Strasbourg, Roubaix,…) or at level crossings near Lyon.

For the moment, none of these devices has not yet issued the ticket. For this, there is still missing the radar’s approval. It is likely to be issued by the national Laboratory for metrology and testing in the coming weeks.

Then, 445 templates should be deployed in the coming months. By 2020, the target is set at 6 000 Turret on the whole territory, is potentially a sixty per department. But not all flasheront not. This is where the subtlety of the device. To add to its dimension Bonus veren bahis siteleri as a deterrent, the radar Turret plays the card of the lure. Thus, all the cabins will not be truly equipped with a control device. The rate announced would be a radar for five cabins, all the while knowing that it could be moved randomly from one to the other… there’s no stopping more progress.

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