Kevin Trapp and his fiancée, Izabel Goulart spent the winter holiday together in the home of the Models. After the Frankfurt-Keeper is away, his fiancée, all the shells fall.

Noronha On the Brazilian archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, the Model Izabel Goulart (34) spends a currently valuable time with family and friends. Until recently, spent the native Brazilian your holiday together with her fiance, Kevin Trapp (28). After the Eintracht Frankfurt-was goalkeeper of the way, the former Victoria sent greetings‘s Secret angels hot holiday. With a lot of bare Butt .

Eintracht Frankfurt: Izabel Goulart has also without Kevin Trapp fun

Kevin Trapp escaped the sight of this, because he left as early as last week to Eintracht Frankfurt training camps. After a mixed three years in the French series Champions PSG, the multiple national goalkeeper at Eintracht Frankfurt to bring his career back into gear (Sebastian Rode shoots against Ex-Club – Fans freaking out). Kevin Trapp moved in 2015 to the Sheikh-club in France and won several titles with the club.

+ Kevin Trapp gives his all in the match between Paris Saint Germain and Ajaccio gfco. Nevertheless, he had to watch later on his colleagues, often from the bench. ©picture alliance / dpa / Ian Langsdon

Nevertheless, the former goalkeeper of Eintracht found himself in Paris again and again on the bench. As a PSG last summer, the goalkeeper legend Gianluigi “Gigi” committed Buffon, returned to the 28-Year-old to Frankfurt return . However, only on loan until the end of the 2018/19 season. How to do it after the season for Kevin Trapp is still uncertain. The goalkeeper is not, however, distract. the And trained instead hard for upcoming tasks.

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram

A post shared by Kevin Trapp (@Kevin Trapp) on Jan 7, 2019 9:00 am PST

After his return to the Main, had Kevin Trapp of Eintracht Frankfurt, his place between the posts for sure. With the harmony of the 28-Year-old is struggling in the Bundesliga or the Champions League places (The next Croat – harmony of this Eight-million-man?). the For this goal, the final man was separated prematurely from its Izabel Goulart, at least locally. The goalkeeper left the Sunny Brazil in the direction of the United States. Together with his Team, Kevin Trapp in the United States is working on his Form for the Bundesliga round. And missed by a trip with his fiancée .

Eintracht Frankfurt: Kevin Trapps girlfriend shows Fans bare Butt

Kevin Trapp heavily on his Fitness, worked, Izabel Goulart presented its steel body in a revealing Bikini and enabled it to her 4.4 million followers a glimpse of her hot butt. The successful Model is in the Video with his back to the camera, so that the Fans of get a good look at the back and buttocks of the Brazilian . Then the Model begins a Catwalk in a Bikini, running on a cliff And it adventure. the Whether it’s Kevin Trapp got to do with the fear?

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram

A post shared by Izabel Goulart (@izabelgoulart) on Jan 5, 2019 at 7:31 PST

The Top Model jumps to a Branch of a tree, and swings on the edge of the cliff again and again. This provides the Fans a view of the azure blue Bay and the rocky Islands in the Background. Much more important: The trained body of Izabel Goulart – With free look at your case-free butt , swinging again and again through the picture. The fiancee of Kevin Trapp: “the Grateful wrote! What a way to start the year! Connected with nature, spending quality time with my friends in this paradise called Noronha!!“, (“Grateful! the What to start a kind of new year! to be Connected with nature and precious time with my friends in the Paradise of Noronha spend!“). Kevin Trapp is likely to be upset that he missed this trip.

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