Prior to an event of the AfD researchers in Bavaria granted the city of Munich announced the speakers, the house bans. Now, the administrative court of Munich, a handle.

Update 4. May 2019: The house of the prohibitions of the city of Munich against the speaker of the AfD in the case of an event of the party, researchers have been repealed. Thus, among other things, the Thuringian party leader Björn Höcke, and the Bavarian Landtag group leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner this Sunday at the early of the young Alternative Bayern shop may occur in a public restaurant on a municipal sports facility. The Munich administrative court declared the decision of the authorities on Saturday to be illegal, a spokeswoman said. The city did not sufficiently demonstrate that the event could escalate and that disruptions from the AfD is to be expected.

first message from the 3. May: ban for Höcke in Munich, the city by – AfD wants to fight back

uproar shortly before a matinee performance of the AfD in Munich: The city of Munich has all of the prominent speakers for the Sunday ban issued. Neither of the Thuringian state Chairman Björn Höcke the Bavarian state Parliament group leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner to encounter in Feldmoching. The Modest of the sport unit, available to the Münchner Merkur, in the necklines.

Ebner-Steiner complains about the “attack on the freedom of Assembly and expression”. The AfD had been invited to a “hearty white sausage Breakfast” with musical accompaniment, the exact venue but not published – it would otherwise have been protests against the appearance especially Höckes. He is the lead figure of the right “wing” of the AfD – this is the part that the protection of the Constitution classified as a suspected case.

The city got Wind of the appearance. City school superintendent Beatrix Zurek (SPD) may impose ban on the house, because the affected restaurant “Antica Tropea” is the municipal sports facility on lerchenauer Strasse. According to an AfD spokesperson, the ban to Höcke, Ebner-Steiner and other speakers, including MPs from the Bundestag.

AfD-politician Ebner-Steiner flew from a Munich Bar

Ebner-Steiner said he would “fight back, of course,” and an application for a temporary injunction against the decision before the administrative court. “This must not remain without consequences.” House bans against far-right outsiders AfD-politician was last seen in the several occasions, including the concentration camp memorial Buchenwald against Höcke.

Ebner-Steiner was asked in November of 2018, from a Munich Bar, she was with a companion welcome, as reported. Even the former Bavarian Royal family has given the AfD is already banned. In March, the AfD had met group in Kreuth and, apparently, considered to be in front of the Wildbad photograph, which is in the possession of the Wittelsbach family. cd

The Afd etched last, among other things, against the first German city declaring a climate emergency.