No pleasure, no time, or ill: There are many reasons why the Training will have to wait. The muscles then are all gone? The answer is offers the opportunity athletes.

Those who have been around for years, a contract in the gym, know it well: After a few months it was twice pumped out weekly, and follows, sooner or later, the lull – weeks without a sports pass. It then rises again in a fitness device, you must first be the weight or the number of watts on the Ergometer corrected downwards. By now, the question comes up: Are muscles and stamina after a long break was just gone?

gone Is the hard-trained muscle mass after a long break?

A fitness expert gives the all-clear . Dr. Michèl Equal to, a former soldier in a special unit that is athletic and a Personal Trainer and wrote for the News Portal Focus an article on the topic of muscle memory.

Therefore, Betlike have, muscle cells, a kind of brain and a certain reminder. You could, therefore, also after a longer sport break at the old-growth stand and a new strain quickly returned to the old Form back – the muscle mass builds, so also after a longer break quickly .

Therefore, muscle mass builds up quickly on

The reason for this lies in the skeletal muscle cells. They grow under stress – such as when the dumbbell training, the body makes new cells to make the muscle grow. This enlargement of the muscle mass of the so-called mitosis: the division of the cell nucleus. A cell divides, a daughter cell, which has the special memory. It remains the same even if a longer training break has been the removal of the muscle. the After the break, the daughter cells are reactivated, the muscle grows back to its old size .

In the age of this “Muscle-Memory-Effect” the 37-year-old fitness coach the Same, though. the Balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, mental challenge, and generally speaking, a healthy lifestyle would be able to delay this process.

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endurance athletes can suspend for a long your Training?

But what happens when endurance athletes expose too long with the Training? You train in sports, the muscles, mainly, however, the metabolism is activated. What happens during a training break, scientists tested on well-trained athletes: you had to reduce your six to ten hours of Sport per week at 35 minutes .

the ability of the oxygen uptake remained – in the case of endurance sports is an indication of learning, ban, how good is your training status is in the first ten days on the same level as prior to the Sport. The means for the fit endurance athletes among us, ten days break from training to pose no Problem .

Michel writes, however, that the level of fitness plays a role. Training beginners is faster break down like a trained athlete, probably in the first two weeks of a break from training.

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