A Lidl customer made on Facebook your Anger about an encounter with a member of staff of the air. The reaction of the discounter makes for fierce criticism.

Bad Säckingen – An angry Post from a Lidl customer is currently on Facebook for many discussions. After a Lidl customer was laughed at in a store in Bad Säckingen, according to his own statement, from a member of staff, she wrote on Facebook annoyed at the company.

There is noticeably up described brought customer, with your purchase instead of the promised Fund has been opened. The customer had placed their Goods already on the tape. Then she was asked by a – in your words – “young punks” with a laugh, to bring the products to the other Band. This incident angered the customer, so much so that you asked in your Posting, the discharge of “such employee”.

criticism of Lidl-response to Post from an angry customer

Lidl responded to the angry Statement from the customer and showed understanding for their criticism: “This is of course annoying. I would forward your concerns to the relevant colleagues. Send us an E-Mail with your request and the exact store,“ said a Lidl employees.

The Post the customer made on Facebook for uproar, many Users post commented on the. What Lidl probably did not expect: almost all of the Users were on the side of the employee and practiced violent criticism at the response of the discounter, was thus equal to twice the criticism.

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User take Lidl employees in protection

especially the User before submit to the discounters disloyalty to its own employees. A user commented: “don’t be Ashamed of you are a little bit at least? You fall with such comments, your own employees in the back. But this is reflected, unfortunately, in real life, so the main thing is that the customer is satisfied!“

another user provided a theory for the behavior of the employee: “Maybe he simply with his peers laughed because the have accidentally opened the wrong office?”

angry Facebook Post: Suddenly, a customer device in criticism

But on the client the Facebook-user, there is no good hair. A customer commented, for example, “The customer is exaggerating, but always… and now the employee is to be terminated because it has laughed” and got almost 100 Likes.

Also pretty funny comments brought forth by the Internet community, one amused user wrote: Hopefully Lidl apologizes tomorrow here in public, that they have nice employees. This is not right at all. The one who laughed!“ On the criticism of your reaction Lidl has not responded yet.

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