After the airing of the latest edition of the “aktenzeichen XY” criticized many viewers the handling of the ZDF with the death of the voice actor Michael Brennicke.

Update from 25. April 2019: Also in the current issue of the “aktenzeichen XY” was again presented exciting and unresolved criminal cases from Germany. For many Fans incomprehensible, there was within the programme, no assessment of the voice actor Michael Brennicke.

TV legend borrowed from the TV production in the last 30 years, his voice, Brennicke died at the end of March for all the surprising. His Fans missing the friendly voice on Wednesday evening. Many of them criticized the lack of obituary Brennicke: “Not a word to Michael Brennicke, of the XY over the decades, his voice has shaped? Not a note, not a small obituary at the end of the show!” and “I’m very disappointed, at least a small obituary would have been after almost three decades of duty!”, is the Facebook presence of the ZDF-broadcast.

Responsible of the “aktenzeichen XY” is not expressed to the comments of the spectators, said in a short Statement: “We have already found a new spokesman. With the new speaker, Christian Baumann, we have found again a voice, which underlines, in our opinion, the cases in a sensitive and dignified.“

a Total of six criminal cases were presented within the programme, two viewers came forward and named specific names. You want to know two of the perpetrators personally.

Update 30. March, 13.01 PM: On Saturday appeared several obituaries for Michael Brennicke (†69). The Securitel Film and television production company mbH, the “aktenzeichen XY” produces, it switched to a in of the SZ – signed by the managing Director “on behalf of the entire XY-Teams”.

it read: “Michael Brennicke was unsolved for over 30 years, ‘aktenzeichen XY’. His unique voice has shaped our mission. We lose with him not only an outstanding speaker, but also a wonderful and highly-valued colleagues. Our whole sympathy goes out to his family“.

His family has also switched mourning ad in the SZ and tz/ Münchner Merkur. These are deliberately kept scarce. “Our Michi is, unfortunately, suddenly, forever asleep,” writes the family “in memoriam” in the SZ. “Our Michi is, unfortunately, forever asleep”, tz, and Münchner Merkur.

The cause of death is still unclear.

Rudi Cerne explains why Michael Brennicke has not been appreciated in the broadcast

Update 30. March, 9.47 am: posted a How Rudi Cerne in the case of Facebook, had surprised some in the audience of the “aktenzeichen XY”, that Michael Brennicke has not been appreciated in the Live broadcast on Wednesday.

“Some in the audience knew already from the death of the speaker and the ZDF asked, why is this mentioned in the show, and was appreciated,” he writes. “The explanation: In the show, it was not mentioned, because it has taken into consideration the family. The family had not made the death of the public.“

Cerne wrote at Facebook more touching words – “HE is the voice of the “aktenzeichen XY” – Michael Brennicke. Deep, distinctive, creepy. It’s the kind of voice that the neck hair stand up. Since 1989, she was hear in the video clips of the broadcast.“

aktenzeichen XY: the Sad message! The speaker died unexpectedly – as the ZDF learned from the case of death

Update 29. March, 10.08 am: On the public Facebook page of the ZDF-show “aktenzeichen XY” takes the Team to the successful Crime Show now farewell to the long-time voice actor Michael Brennicke. For almost 30 years Brennicke lent his voice to the TV-Format. For Rudi Cerne, he was “the ‘voice’ of XY.” The exact cause of death, there is as yet no information.

Update 28. March, 21.31 at: How the image was reported, had been communicated of the death of a synchronous speaker for a short time before the broadcast of the current “aktenzeichen XY”programme internally. After Michael Brennicke been recorded had the texts to the currently broadcast ZDF-show already days before, notified the competent Securitel staff shortly before the broadcast of the program with him to discuss a small Change to one of the posts. The Team from the death of the voice actor learned.

for this reason it was one of the four broadcast contributions of a replacement colleague recorded. On the death of for almost 30 years, the well-known “file”-voice of Rudi Cerne lost in the radiance, however, not a word. Out of consideration before the family of the death at this time has not been confirmed yet officially. Securitel-managing Director Martin Groß explained: “We are together with the family on Saturday for a great mourning display.”

shock aktenzeichen XY: voice of the ZDF-show, unexpectedly

Munich – His voice is likely to be a lot of German TV-Fans-a term that now Michael Brennicke died, apparently unexpectedly, at the age of 69 years. His most famous Engagement, the speaker had regularly in the ZDF, he gave the cult show “aktenzeichen XY” his voice. Elisa Schultz of the “aktenzeichen XY” confirmed the death of the synchronous speaker, on Thursday, the Ippen-Digital-editor.

For many Fans of the format Brennickes voice belonged to the creepy portrayal of the Detective show. A total of 30 years, moderated Brennicke, the ZDF broadcast from the Off. The voice actors for “aktenzeichen XY” even a number of times even in front of the camera. As a police officer, a citizen or a murderer Brennicke was in the 70s and 80s, such as reported.

aktenzeichen XY: synchronous Michael Brennicke died

when the voice actor died, is not yet known. Official information about the cause of death still seem to be lacking. How want to know, however, died Brennicke already at 25. March completely by surprise in Munich. In the current issue of the “aktenzeichen XY” – recorded films of the speaker to the TV Format lent, but apparently, even his voice. Also in the new episodes of “beware of the trap!” on Saturday Brennicke be once again to hear.

Michael Brennicke had synced to the Other, among other things, the American actor Chevy Chase, Dustin Hoffman, as well as the Italian Star Adriano Celentano.

also read: is Still missing from the 15-year-old Rebecca Reusch from Berlin each track. All information about the Disappearance of the schoolgirl in our news Ticker.

A well-known actress passed away at the age of 88 years on lake Starnberg.

In Ratingen are gone, two children disappeared without a trace. The key note of a witness led the police to them.