– When I buy expensive gifts, so I am thinking of where I put them in the car. I’m trying to save them, so burglars can’t see them. But I must admit that sometimes smoking things just right into the car.

Mette Møller-Jacobsen both smile and look a little brødebetinget out.

The esbjergensiske woman is just one of the many danes, who leaving their newly purchased christmas gifts quite visible in the car.

Mette Møller-Jacobsen

Every year on christmas alert both the police and the insurance companies otherwise to affix the tempting packages or backseat. The packages to be under lock and key in the cargo area.

But there is some evidence that the danes in the middle of the christmas race is completely forgetting the wise advice.

In this weekend, which is one of the great indkøbsdage up to christmas, checked the Extra Magazine several car parks and streets in san diego. Over all, the picture was the same. Christmas gifts, money, purses, iPads, bags, sunglasses, furniture, and unopened packages from the post office were free promotion in approximately every tenth car.

This gift is ready in the front seat. Just to snatch. Photo: Anders Brohus

Some of the packages so do not immediately appear to contain very large values. Other gifts were packaged beautifully. What was in them, is not to say. But tempting for a weak soul.

Photo: Anders Brohus

One of Esbjerg P-guards tells that he is often amazed at what people leave in cars.

– There is simply everything. Many of the things are of great value, but people do not do anything to hide them. I see bags, purses, mobile phones and Ipads be in the front seat. There are no limits to what people leave behind. Right now it is, among other christmas gifts. But at this time of year rolls motorists at least their side window up before leaving the car. Forget people not at least on the first warm days of summer, tells the P-guard, who want to be anonymous in public.

Photo: Anders Brohus

Knud -Aage Juhl from Esbjerg is just risen out of his car inside the city centre. The only visible, he has left behind in the car, is to return to that spot.

– It is a christmas tree. And, I trust, despite everything, that no one will steal”, said Juhl.

He wonders how lax people are with their values.

– People don’t care. In general, we think too little about it. I know through my work at a car importer, you need to take care. Extra equipment in the car is something that thieves like. So, I used to think about where I put things in the car.

Knud-Aage Juhl left a christmas tree visible car. It was raining yet he is not with that someone will steal. Photo: Anders Brohus

Per Rudbæk coming out of the parking lot by the Bridge in Esbjerg. Rudbæk is well laden with gifts. But he looks relieved.

– Now, they bought them all. It is over.

the Gifts are neatly placed in the trunk.

Per Rudbæk and Lene Korsgaard from Varde. Photo: Anders Brohus

– we do in fact always. And we also remember to lock car doors. It is certainly not all, who remember it, says Per Rudbæk, before he, along with his wife, Lene Korsgaard puts the exchange rate against the home in Varde.

Any machine will certainly keep this massagepude with music, after a hard days work on the west jutland parking spaces. Photo: Anders Brohus

John and Alice Sorensen has this Saturday afternoon also rushed to find the last christmas gifts in the country.

– We always put værdigenstandene in the trunk. And we also locks the doors. If you put the gifts visible in your car, then it’s the same as advertising, that here is something of value, finds it esbjergensiske married couples.

John and Alice Sorensen from Esbjerg, denmark. Photo: Anders Brohus


– We can only encourage people to store christmas presents away, so they are not visible. This applies both in the cars and in the home, says vagtchef Nikolaj Hølmkjær from the South – Jutland Police, to Ekstra Bladet.

Vagtchefen tells, not least the parking lots are a prime target for burglars.

– Often the christmas presents in the car in the same shopping bag as receipts. It is far easier to sell goods on the Internet, when the receipt comes with it. We have also straightforward examples that the burglars have gone down in the store with the receipt in hand and have been given the gift exchanged for something else, tells vagtchefen.

Here, one could both get off your thirst and grab the handbag, which was freely promoting. Photo: Anders Brohus


If the car is broken up, and the presents away, the policy covers only, if the car was locked, the windows closed, and there are visible signs of forced entry. Is it an expensive watch for your boyfriend or spouse, who is among the stolen gifts, so will the insurance cover does not always.

– Gets christmas presents stolen from the car, it indboforsikringen, which covers. You just have to remember that indboforsikringen does not cover gold, silver, jewelry and cash. If you bought the kind of gifts, I would definitely recommend that you do not let them lie in the car, say’s claim director Rasmus Ruby Johansen, Topdanmark.

the insurance company encourages drivers to put all the gifts in a locked trunk and park in a place where there is much activity.

Could this gift might tempt? It was also quite visible in the car. Photo: Anders Brohus

According to the insurer Topdanmark goes thieves especially after these things in the cars:

Clothing, Furniture and house wares Tools, instruments and the like. Computers, iPads, etc. Bags and suitcases Glasses and sunglasses for Phones Personal care driving Licence, ID, etc. Sports and leisure

Also this handbag was freely promoting. Photo: Anders Brohus