Toni Kalic hosted for six weeks only, the restaurant “Seefelder” in the Gilchinger Astopark. Now he has suffered a severe setback. A strange theft occurred last weekend in the Bistro.

Gilching – Even days after the fact, is shocked Toni Kalic is still difficult, he can concentrate on his everyday life as a restaurateur. “I walk around like a Ghost,” says the 43-Year-old. Together with his wife, the man from Gauting operates the Bistro “Seefeld” in the Gilchinger Astopark. At the weekend, Unknown have stolen two Pizza Ovens in the value of about 3500 Euro. And not only the Kalics points since the question as to How the heavy equipment could disappear in an environment in which thousands of people work?

for six weeks Only, the two cater to the people who work in the commercial area to the friedrichshafener Straße: machine builders, robot developers, biotechnologists, Social Media professionals, or medical technician. The demand is good, lunch is buzzing. A wish of many customers, but Kalic: Pizza says. “That’s why I recently ordered two Ovens,” he said in an interview with the Starnberger Merkur.

The Stoves were stolen, even though they are both several hundred pounds

A decision that should earn him a few days later, last Friday afternoon, a lot of Trouble. The several hundred pounds of heavy Stoves were stolen (we reported). How this could happen, can’t explain Kalic. “I’m still speechless. The play of my existence,“ he says. There are at least four people would have to be jointly tackled and the kitchen is loaded with stainless steel appliances in a van or Truck. “In addition, a barrier at the entrance. Since not everyone can get in,“ says Kalic.

The thieves must have hit in a short window of time. A technician should install the Pizza Ovens on Friday after the close of business in the Bistro kitchen. “Around 16.15 o’clock he called me, that he still needs to get a part,” says Kalic, what he also told the police. The Stoves have stored the installer on a pallet in the hallway in front of the Bistro. “When he came back to 17.20, they were gone.”

A suspicious-looking Truck was observed

Kalic has asked in the past few days his staff after observations and in the buildings around. Someone had observed at 16.30 a Truck, he says. Now the 43-hopes-Year-old, a surveillance camera shows the theft. The competent police in Germering takes notes at (089) 8 94 15 70. A hot track it is not, as yet, says inspection Vice Andreas Ruch.

at Least, the restaurateur was able to cancel the 300 pizzas, he had already ordered for the start of operation. The project Pizza wants to pursue Kalic in spite of the incident. “The only question is when. I must now save. Such Ovens do not pay out of the petty cash.“