In the case of “wife swap” (RTL2) was to see how you should never write an application. This cover Letter would bring each recipient.

Cologne – In the 478. A result of the show “wife swap” is broadcast Thursday evenings on RTL2, were two women from a range of different contexts for a period of ten days to draw each other, unknown to the family. The women must be in the air of the tasks to each other.

In this episode, the 34-year-old Jessica with Hannoveranerin Jennifer (24) had to swap the house and the man. As a Jessica, Jennifer’s Partner, Caras brought into the living room to discuss with him, a task that began for the 25-Year-old a few unpleasant minutes. Actually, the task seemed to be easy: Caras should write applications. Because he has a main school and a Milanobet painter-painter-training, but since already one and a half years, he finds a job.

recent application in front of “wife swap” was up to a year

“when you have written since your last application?”, Jessica asked him, as the two sat together in the living room. “A year ago,” was the hesitant answer. But Jessica was not enough – she wanted to see the applications, but Caras. “Maybe they’re in the basement”, he tried to weasel himself out.

“A letter of application but you can?”, hooked Jessica as a precaution, after. Caras replied in the affirmative. But what he did not suspect: Jessica had left her Laptop, she pushed him in the Hand and get him a job application for a fictional company and write. What Caras put on then after a short time, made Jessica, however, is speechless – and then she read the Text along with all of his mistakes out loud.

The application was not an appropriate external Form and not in terms of spelling and grammar what should you send to a potential employer. But you can see in the following Screenshot:

+ Caras‘ application full of grammar – and spelling errors. ©Screenshot RTL2 wife swap

“wife swap”Participant: “No wonder you get no work”

“If you have so written so far, the last of your applications, then it is no wonder that you get no work,” was the verdict. “This is not a job application.”

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But the 25-Year-old quickly played the damsel in distress and had “no more desire and, hence, the topic is easy for me. I don’t want to talk about it“. When Jessica accused him of living at the expense of other people, left Caras the living room. “Everyone is time to quit,” he said later, in front of the camera. Each live at the expense of the state, he continued. But Jessica was strongly of the opinion that Caras is just “stinking lazy”.

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