By “poor Germany” on RTL2 Dennis and Isabella were known. The Hartz-IV-recipients showed again what do you expect from the General public.

Munich – In the program “poor Germany”, you see already some strange persons. But the Couple, Dennis and Isabella, everything that you see in the RTL2 broadcast so probably tops. The two make no secret of the fact that you do not intend to seek work in the future and to no longer be so by the office.

But, as such, statements in the TV wouldn’t be daring enough to show the two open their displeasure about the state-provided apartments. So, for example, a hot tub is sorely missed.

Dennis in “poor Germany”: “There are enough people who earn the money for me”

For more than 10 years, Dennis and Isabella of Hartz IV. exactly How long life is, the more you can say. You drag from apartment to apartment, with no one you are really satisfied. The 35-Year-old scolds during the broadcast of 11. December, tirelessly, how much he hate the Job centre and the state.

But not work to go to, to be his archenemies-dependent, it is out of the question. “Fortunately, I live in Germany. What am I supposed to work? There are enough people who earn the money for me,” says Dennis, and afterwards a: “I’m glad that I can be the life of the tax.”

His wife, Isabella, during which shy in addition to him, but apparently, the same views. It should be, from a financial point of view, Yes, whether you go to work or by the Job-Center live. According to this statement, Dennis highlights its mind again and says: “So the office pays for everything anyway the rest of my life. I will not lift a Finger more crooked.“ Isabella nods and laughs.

Dennis and Isabella of “poor Germany” (RTL2) want to accompany a hot tub

For several years, RTL2, the Hartz-IV-Pair. In 2015, the two still had an apartment, they had to leave due to an eviction. Dennis and Isabella had huge rent arrears because they are spending the money they get from the state for the apartment, for other things. At the expense of the state, their apartment had to be vacated and the furniture will be housed in containers.

The two took care of the eviction, apparently, not enough. Shortly thereafter, they were homeless, got a apartment from the office – with a balcony. But Dennis was not enthusiastic about his new home, he had several reasons. First of all, the attic apartment was too far from the top, secondly, that the two had to clean the feeder, apparently, much, third, the neighborhood was Would lowest””. Also the bathroom was much too tight.

So a “barrack like” don’t deserve the two simply as Dennis in “poor Germany”. On the question of the reporter, such as the optimal apartment should look like, he replied brazenly: “A beautiful apartment with a winter garden, with a swimming Pool, maybe a Jacuzzi, a housekeeper. That should make the office already“.

+ Dennis flexed in the case of “poor Germany” in. Especially the apartments of the office be the last.©Screenshot of RTL II TV Now

Dennis and Isabella Setrabet have a roof over your head, but live in a homeless Hotel. The room, however, is the “last hole” and a “rat cage”, as the 35-year-old Hartz-IV-receiver. “If you think a Crook has more space than I have. At least food of the day, where he must take care of it. Here you get nothing, not even Laundry, nothing!“, he flexed more.

“poor Germany” in RTL2: “Any excuse, there’s always”

But how is it at all possible that Dennis and his wife has the right to receive Hartz IV, to work without ever, even for a short time? The 35-Year-old says at RTL2, he regularly go to appointments with the Job centre. The staff would recommend, therefore, that he was still qualified for Hartz IV, He is saying that he doesn’t want to work, only that he could not exercise the certain work. As he should’ve been working on, for example, as a cleaning man, he claimed simply to be against the cleaner allergic. “Any excuse there is always. You are not allowed to force me,“ Dennis unabashedly.

the staff at The Job centre have nothing against his attitude, he says. Because he would not have had for over 10 years, Hartz-IV recipients, “the people at the office, no work”. So poor Germany “documented” for Isabella, and especially Dennis at the state’s cost of living and not have to think about, something to repay. Not even for the five children of the couple, who live in foster families, they want to pay. The youth welfare office would, in fact, “human trafficking”, something you would not support.

How to do it with Dennis, Isabella and all the other people of the “poor Germany”, you can at 18. December, at 20.15 clock on RTL 2 see.

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