Very good career prospects and varied work in a great Team: ept GmbH has a lot of interesting Places on offer.

Also if you can you might not imagine, but without surface coaters, our environment would look quite drab. In the morning when getting Ready in the bathroom it’s happening already: the water faucet shines to us. Why? Because he has been plated with chrome. At Breakfast, it goes on Your cereal spoon is always silver, still wonderful, even though we plug it every day in the dishwasher. A surface coater has refined it so that he can no longer rust. We leave the house, and the door handle, the press, shines in beautiful colours from copper, Nickel or brass. We get to the car, Bus or Moped.

And here it gets interesting: Not only the external appearance surface coaters had their hands in the game, but also in the inner life. The plug-in contacts that conduct power and signals to the intended Places, are also refined.

Here is the connector manufacturer ept on the day: in the case of ept, the contacts of the plug are coated connections , which are found virtually everywhere. For example, in motor controllers of cars, in indoor drilling life of impact, in aircraft systems, industrial robots, and many other areas. The connectors must meet for their use of many of the requirements, which are ensured by the application of electro-technology. Thus, surface coaters are able to implement these guidelines correctly, is a comprehensive and exciting training is necessary.

What’s included in the training as a surface coater?

The training as a surface coater, or dam ichterin takes three years of apprenticeship. Within this time you will learn, among other things, surface, technical processes and application areas, preparing metallic workpieces for coating, and performs a first application-specific coatings. the Also on the curriculum, the environment-friendly disposal techniques, circuit Board fabrication, as well as quality management, occupational health and safety .

impressions: training as a surface coater