How Europe works choice? How does the European Parliament? We provide answers to common questions about the election on may 26. May 2019.

In less than two weeks in Europe, there is an election, many ballots are already sent. In Germany, the participation is voluntary, and elsewhere, voting is compulsory. Also, the weighting is different. Here you can read the most important facts.

European elections in 2019: what is chosen?

The election to the European Parliament takes place over several days. It begins on the 23. In may, in Germany, the day of the election on Sunday, 26. May. The preliminary results from all 28 States (the British are surprisingly still part of) will be on 26. May in the evening announced.

What is chosen, if the European elections of 2019?

In each member country, the citizens elect the representatives of their country, the move for the election period 2019 to 2024 in the EU Parliament – so it is at the core of a national election. Europe-wide lists of candidates. Depending on the size, a different number of seats to the States. Germany, with its 82 million inhabitants, with 96 the most Seats in the Parliament, France (66 million inhabitants) has seats 74 seats, and Austria 18. Six seats to each country at least.

the European election Is undemocratic because small countries get more seats?

in Purely mathematical terms, the choice is actually unequal. The European election is free, direct and secret. But the democratic principle that each vote the same value, is (“One man, one vote”), shall not apply. So each of the 96 deputies representing currently from Germany around 860 000 inhabitants. In contrast, one of the six parliamentarians of Malta for only 80 000 inhabitants of the island. In Parliament the votes of the deputies, however, have the same weight – no matter how many residents of your country they represent. This is written in the EU treaties.

Why is this so? Two reasons for this: on the basis of the scale of “one member per 80 000 citizens” for all States, we would have a Monster of a Parliament with thousands of members. This would not only be unaffordable, but also barely able to work. You would create the German scale “is a member of per 860 000 citizens”, had some of the EU member States (for example, Luxembourg, with just over 600 000 inhabitants) no, or only a Deputy. That would not be fair.

How many members has the European Parliament?

so Far, the EU Parliament has 751 seats. In the upcoming election is only supposed to 705 members should be elected. As it was, but still of a previous departure of the British. Of the 73 British Seats and 46 should be dropped, the other 27 seats in countries that are under-represented compared to their population size now. But this can happen only if the British leave the EU. The number of German members, nothing will change.

Who is entitled to vote in the European elections?

In Germany are allowed to participate in all adult German citizens in the election. As is the case with Federal or state elections, you will receive, before the vote, your voter notification in the Mail. You should already be in your mail box arrived. People who have multiple EU citizenships, can choose which countries you the members want to choose. Important: you may only submit for a state of their voice. Also, Germans living abroad have to file an application for registration in the register of voters in the municipality in which you were last registered with a main residence.

there Is the possibility of postal voting in the European elections?

Yes. Who has received their voting documents, can apply for his postal vote documents. Depending on the country of residence is either in person at the municipal administration, Mail, E-Mail, Fax or over the Internet.

How many crosses I have in the European elections of 2019, and from whom I can choose?

In Germany, each voter have one vote. These can be awarded to one of the lists, with which parties and political associations. On the closed lists of candidates are to be found in a fixed and non changeable order. The more votes a list, the more candidates to Parliament.

there is a lock-up clause in the European elections?

no. A locking clause such as the Five-percent barrier in the parliamentary election in the election to the EU Parliament in Germany. In other EU countries, such as France, there is such a lock-up clause. A total of 41 parties and groups in Germany with more than 1300 candidates for election.

decides What is the European Parliament in Brussels/Strasbourg?

Parliament, the European legislator. There is no private right of initiative may be right. It is estimated however, that approximately 80 percent of the German legislation goes back to European initiatives.

the Europe Parliament? How do the members?

The EU Parliament advises the Commission’s regulations and directives. There is not the constellation of government versus Opposition. To each theme there is a so-called Rapporteur, head of the negotiations in the Parliament in the lead, until an agreement is found. Then there are negotiations between the Parliament, the Commission and the Council (the so-called TRILOGUE). There, representatives of all three institutions need to find a compromise. Only then will the template European law is.

meet Where the European Parliament, and how often it occurs?

rule twelve Times in the year, the whole Parliament comes together for several days of plenary sessions in the French city of Strasbourg. Occasionally there are additional meetings in Brussels, the headquarters of the European Union. There is also the 20 committees of the Parliament days. The group meetings in which the various political groups to vote and on the meeting weeks to prepare.

What’s with the factions?

In the groups, members from different countries with similar political get together alignments. To form a group, must work together parliamentarians from at least one quarter of the member States. The largest groups, the European people’s party (EPP), the CDU and CSU are members, and the Progressive Alliance of socialists and Democrats (S&D), has joined the SPD. Eight groups there are currently. 21 members are non-attached.

How high is the proportion of women in the European Parliament?

The proportion of women in Parliament has increased from election to election. At the beginning of 1979, it was only 16.3 percent, and in 2014, accounted for 36.9%. The top of Malta (67 percent), followed by Ireland and Sweden (55). The 96-strong German contingent located in the middle of the pack. 35 of the 96 parliamentarians are female. What deserves to be a member of the European Parliament? A MEP receives a monthly 8757 Euro, he must pay tax on. Add to this a lump sum of 4513 euros and a daily allowance of 320 euros per participation in meetings. The Basic salary based on the salary of a judge at the European court of justice.

Where can I get more information about the European elections in 2019?

What happens in the days and weeks before the election, you can track daily in the News Ticker for the European elections in 2019. In addition, you can find out what the election programmes of many parties you agree the most. Here, the “European elections, Wahl-O-Mat”, which was developed by the Federal centre for political education and up to the day of the election consistently available online to help you.