At the new year reception of the Murnauer CSU likes to go to big politics. Former mayor Dr. Michael Rapp (CSU) individual local peaks – for example, with the “desire” that the municipal Council finds back to more of a sense of community. To own ambitions he had nothing.

Murnau – If the Murnauer CSU invites you to the new year’s reception, then all of society, politics and public life, which has rank and name appears almost. The evening in the Hotel Alpenhof represents an event in the community. Every year, you can decorate the CSU-Ortsverband with at least one of known party faces. On Monday, two: the country’s day-President Ilse Aigner, as well as the peissen Berger Deputy Alexander Dobrindt, head of the CSU group in the German Bundestag arrived.

The Speeches heard this evening the visitors in the Alpenhof – Hotel-operator Christian Baer, at the same time, Deputy local Chairman of the CSU, estimated the number at “about 280″–, covered a wide range of political and social issues. And as always, the CSU presented a representative of the various levels as a well-coordinated Team. The others were praised, warmly, and got assists for recycling. To the lectern member Harald Kühn, Bezirksrätin Alexandra Bertl, as well as Dr. Michael Rapp, CSU occurred in addition to the Top-guests Landtag-local and district Chairman, a Deputy to the landrat, and the Murnauer former mayor.

Especially in the case of Rapp many are likely to have listening. 2020 elections are still local to the house, and it is probably because the CSU so far, no other candidate shows, in place of continued speculation about whether the former mayor in the town hall would not be the successor of his successor Rolf Beuting (ÖDP/citizen forum). Rapp was not in his speech. Also later in the interview, the 64-Year-old settled on nothing. He excludes a further mayoral candidacy? “I have excluded in my life, never.” This question is not currently, “she is currently in fourth, fifth place”. Rapp, who said in a speech to the bow knocked out of Europe on Federal, state, and district to the municipality, the style areas, the issue of municipality to hold back. However, Rapp expected, that is appreciated, what was left behind by past generations of managers, so management as well as local councils and the mayor, to heritage. There is “so much of what has been developed in Murnau, on the performance of those” who were once in charge, said Rapp, and called, among other things, the Genesis of the Kemmelgeländes, the return of the district hospital or the free holding of land. And he concluded with the Wish – for example, he said, mutatis mutandis, that the municipal Council finds back to more of a sense of community, or that those who take the word transparency in the mouth, learn how to spell this. Name he called. In a small circle, Rapp spoke of, that “today, local councils have come to me and say that the mood is so good”. That this was so, make him “sad”. And: If he leads conversations, not listen, he is currently the General Tenor of, “you want to be a municipal Council in Murnau; this is a shame”.

Bezirksrätin Bertl language, among other things, on (multiple burdens) women in politics. “Women are supposed to be egg-laying Wollmilchsäue”, family work need more appreciation. Quotas rejects Bertl: “I don’t want to be a quota woman.” Member of the Landtag of Boldly addressed important Murnauer large-scale projects, such as the bypass North (Tangenziale Ovest). The state Department, so Boldly, will prepare with the municipalities of Murnau and Seehausen, in the course of the year the planning process. Specifically, the authority had clarified, to which the planning office, the contract will be awarded.

CSU land group chief Dobrindt praised – also present – older generations, which ensured that “we live in this great time”. He rose with regard to two highly-acclaimed films he had recently seen: “autumn milk” and “Ramadama” by Joseph Vilsmaier. Both show bluntly the often hard reality of earlier times. He is almost 50, said Dobrindt (48), “but I feel like 30”. He appealed to the audience to take the European elections seriously and referred, with a view to the most recent data scandal to the risks associated with digitization: “The password 1 2 3 4′ is safe ,but it is the most used.”

The term community formed the staple of Ilse Aigner’s speech. The use according to the fierce snow show, “what power there is in the community,” said the state President. She went, among others, the importance of Europe, to Bavaria as a top region, to peace as a prerequisite for this is that a country “may develop”; and they emphasized the role of the CSU in the rise from an agricultural country to the top region.

Silke Jandretzki