The Mini-roundabout in Mammendorf become so slow to the never-ending story. A citizen calls now: he has to go.

Mammendorf – hour demanded in the Current quarter to the beginning of the Council meeting, citizen Albert Dobner the Dismantling of the traffic circle at the intersection of station-/Michael-Aumüller-street. The local Council has rejected this for the time being. But it is to be questioned


Multiple serious injuries, several Deaths

You have, since the gyro is to complain about a number of seriously injured cyclists had led Dobner as a justification to the field. In contrast, there had been, to his knowledge, at the intersection in front of the tag but no personal injury. “The dead there have been multiple Deaths at this intersection,” former mayor Johann Thurner (BGM) broke him immediately – a reference to the time before the roundabout was built.

He knew of four, five Radlfahrern, were seriously injured and in the hospital, landed, and continued Dobner undeterred. He suggested the construction of a correct, elevated center island. “Every other circuit traffic, we have a small island, where you can see, if you’re heading on it: There’s something. Unfortunately, this is not the case of the roundabout not the case here.“ In his opinion space is not enough for an island – or should the rules of the intersection with a traffic light.

The mini roundabout was built, because before that, at the intersection of serious accidents were to happen, said the mayor, Josef Heckl (BGM). At the beginning of his term, the discussion on the gyro up again prepared to come and have red-and-white restrictions. Heckl acknowledged that the roundabout for cyclists and pedestrians is not optimal. They had but barely space to change a lot there.

With the tractor it gets difficult

Martin Neheider (BGM), knows as a farmer with large vehicles the Situation well, and suggested Dobner a test drive at the roundabout. He’ll give Dobner is an agricultural vehicle: “And if you can make it then, there get around without driving over the roundabout, we can talk more.” Detours on the cross street make it difficult, so Neheider, because it is solid blocked in.

Second mayor Peter Muck (CSU) reported of a site visit with the building Committee, when the bus driver has asked, the centrifugal regulation to moderate. “Because he had to ride on the sidewalk because he had no Chance.” In the end, the panel agreed to make in the course of the redevelopment of the station road with a traffic planners are having second thoughts.

Also of interest: B2: The Central transport axis, in the district of Fürstenfeldbruck