In the case of a serious accident on the A6, a Truck driver lost his life. Gaffer, in addition, ensured the traffic chaos. Now politicians are calling for drastic consequences.

10.46 a.m.: Because of the Gaffer in the event of accidents not only enjoy the suffering of the victims, but also their life is endanger, you will now be punished harder. Because of the way the police and the ambulance Gawker is blocked.

Tougher penalties against Gawker calls, therefore, also on the inside expert Marc Henrich Mann (42, CDU). “Who is filming accidents and the suffering of fellow human beings to be intoxicated, the lack of any decency and respect. And even the obstruction of police and rescue forces can be a rule of law not like,“ he told the Bild newspaper. Therefore, should not be seized by the mobile phone, but also a driving ban be imposed against the curious passersby had formed all.

+ Graf Lambsdorff (FDP) calls for drastic punishment. ©dpa / Britta Pedersen

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (FDP, 52) argues against the image for a more severe punishment, and calls for a month driving prohibition.

came To a tragic accident recently in Altötting: On a straight road, a 30-year-old driver of the roadway and crashed against a tree. It came too late to help.

Upd ate from the 31. May 2019 : curious passersby had formed all that is in the use of films, just the phone to take away from the point of view of the police Union of Bavaria (GdP) is “not enough”. The Deputy country Chairman Peter pytlik, adjutant judicial vicar said in a press release on Friday. “Rather, the offender must be confronted with severe sanctions.”

The mean for pytlik, adjutant judicial vicar: “Who is filming in the area of the accident from police, fire and rescue service, must be evidenced with a drastic penalty in connection with a sensitive driving ban.”

After shock – +, The Vice Chairman of the police Union of Bavaria (GdP) Peter pytlik, adjutant judicial vicar.

Above all, the threat of a driving ban was “certainly an appropriate means” to bring to people for their “thoughts and reckless behavior on the suffering of others delight, rescue hinder measures, and other road users at risk, to rethink,” says pytlik, adjutant judicial vicar.

Update, 29. May 2019: The German police Union (DPolG), calls for tougher action against Gawker. The cell phone as “Instrumentalities” should be taken away from car drivers, the severity of accidents filming or photographing. “That would have a lasting impression on the offender and potential imitators,” said the Bavarian state Chairman of the trade Union, Rainer Nachtigall, on Wednesday in Munich.

corpses-Gaffer: so Far, the take pictures of dead accident victims, criminal free

is Also the Photograph of the dead person would be subject to punishment. So far, the only Scan of the living accident victims could be punished according to section 201a of the criminal code (StGB). However, it is important “that the Dead person will be protected”. The Union called for a bill that had already been 2018, the Federal Council introduced, in reality.

At the press conference in Munich, the autobahn-policeman, Stefan Pfeiffer took part. He had become in the last week, nationally known, because he had asked Gawker to a fatal accident on the A6 is applied, whether or not they wanted to see the body.

The media hype was literally broken him in, got him shocked, even “a little,” said the 54-Year-old. “Because this is nothing New. You can experience this Situation every day.“ To all motorists who witness an accident, appealed he was, therefore, to think of the victims and their families, before you whip out the cell phone. “Makes you realize: This is not a game out there. This is a bitter reality.“

+ Stefan Pfeiffer, of the highway police Wet, also took part in the press conference of the police Union. ©Reuters / Sina Schuldt

corpses-Gaffer on A6 – then the collar

Update 23 bursts a policeman, really. May 2019: The drastic reaction of a police officer on Gawker, which pulled out after a fatal accident on the A6 your phones, provides nationwide sensation. The policeman, Stefan Pfeiffer, reports now say.

“It is frightening how little people Feel,” said Pfeiffer of the Bavarian radio. Some of the Gaffer, the officials warned to 128,50 Euro fine and a point in the Central traffic register. More memorable for some, but is expected to be the direct confrontation with death, and their Actions have been, said the official. “Only that shocks you and makes you realize that this is not a game, but a bitter reality. You need to memorize what they do.“

Two days after an impressive Gaffer-action in Bavaria, was now a police officer in the state of Hesse and his anger air. After an accident, a look, whipped out funnier his cell phone.

Gaffer on the A6 Nürnberg: policeman of the collar bursts and receives praise

Update 16 p.m.: Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has a traffic police to Intervene against onlookers praised. “The behavior of many of the Gaffer’s rude and irresponsible. I am pleased that the police colleague has brought some curious passersby had formed all once emotionally close,“ wrote Herrmann on Wednesday on Facebook.

Some drivers would have had in filming the accident scene with no Hand at the wheel, and criticized the officials. It is Stefan Pfeiffer, head of the traffic police, Wet. On the opposite carriageway had therefore formed an eight-Kilometer-long traffic jam. Pfeiffer filmed then funny, for its part, the look, and possibly act against you and pflaumte a Truck driver.

A6-accident: policeman bursts due to the Gaffer, the collar – “you want to see dead people? There he is!“

Update 22. May 2019: Meanwhile, a Video is available to see on the is, as the COP catches up with the Gaffer out of the truck. “You want to see dead people? Photos make? They Come!“, the officer puts the truck driver to the speech. He puts on a shock therapy and leads the onlookers to the accident site. “There he is. Do you want to see him? (…) If you want to, you can say Hello!“ The driver turns unsettled and conceded a display. “Shame on you. It is not good, what are you doing“, said the official, ultimately, to the Conscience of the Gaffers.

The BR reported that the courageous officials to Stefan Pfeiffer. Wet head of the traffic police. In the Social networks, Pfeiffer is praised for his Intervention. He was a “model police officer” and had acted “entirely properly”, write to people on Twitter. Others are calling for increased penalties for Gawker.

Gaffer after an accident on the A6: Fatal accident at Nuremberg

Nuremberg – He sits in his Truck and has his phone in Hand. The driver is filming completely shameless in a serious accident on the A6 near Nuremberg. There is a lot of sheet metal, a 47 is a-Year-old overlooked with his load, a jam car and crashed into a tractor-trailer. The driver was trapped in his cabin and died on the spot between the junction Roth and the motorway junction Nürnberg-Süd.

Gaffer films fatal accident: a detective snaps a photo of the route