From an apartment in the schaidler street in Munich, it smelled unappetizing. As the firefighters opened the door, offered the volunteers a gruesome scene. Unfortunately, Routine for the caretaker.

Update 28. January 2019, 17.08 PM: If people are already living in oblivion, you are in death, only lonely. That such a man is not alive, only when the smell of decay seeps out of the house or the mail box is full. Dozens of such cases occur each year in Munich at the weekend, another one came.

In Obersendling discovered the house of master Thomas Brühl, the body of a 90-Year-old. Sad: Brühl such visions are now Routine. “My impression is that people seeds more and more club,” says the 41-Year-old. For twelve years the caretaker takes care of 48 residential buildings in Munich. Forgotten Dead he gets along with fire and police on average up to six Times per year from their apartments. “The first Time was quite bad,” says Brühl. “This sight, this smell you never forget. In the meantime, I’m experienced.“

Munich: caretaker reported of anonymity in the big city

Especially hard it hits him, if he knew the deceased. This is but rarely the case. In General, the people living in the managed houses in Studio apartments. “Many are alone, have no family or friends,” says Brühl. Add to this that there is no right house for the community. The anonymity in the big city, he observed. Only about a quarter of a year, a similar case occurred in the same building at the schaidler road. At the time, it was the forgotten dead, to an approximately 80-year-old man.

neighbor Barun I. lives since 15 years in the house, close to the Siemens works. She knew the Dead fleeting. “They ran into each other from time to time in the stairwell,” she says. Often the Elderly woman struggled with her shopping up the steps car to her apartment on the second floor. “I offered her several times my help,” recalls Barun I. “But she has always rejected.” The Croatian, of the death of their lone neighbor is not cold. She says: “In my country, something happens so rarely. Here the family has a high priority.“

Rüdiger Bauer’s beverage market, bought the 90-Year-old on a regular basis. Then they took diet soda. Until a few years ago you drove by in her old VW Golf.

+ Rüdiger Bauer knew the Pensioner purchases in its beverage market©Heininger

initial notification of 13.16 PM:

Munich – The police of Munich, reports: In a multi-family house in the schaidler street in Munich, the house master on Saturday, 26.01.2019, against 18.10, Smell of decay, which obviously came from the apartment of a retired woman.

The woman opened the door to ring and Knock, which is why the janitor alerted the fire brigade who opened the apartment. In the entrance area of the apartment the corpse of the inhabitant could be found. The body showed decay characteristics.

dead body of a woman lay unnoticed for two months in her apartment in Munich

The agreed body shiver attested to an unexplained death. The Munich police was able to find during the actual processing is no information on a possible foreign or our own fault.

After the first investigation, the woman was approximately two months dead in her apartment.


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