next year there will be 1000 fewer people employed in the building and construction industry compared with in the year.

It is certainly the scenario, if the Danish construction association business cycle analysis turns out to be true.

It informs the Danish Construction association in a press release.

The lower employment in the industry is due according to the Danish Construction association, to be built fewer new homes, and that the state puts significant fewer new road projects in time.

– the Activity in the building and construction industry is still good, but the recovery seems to have plateaued in this game. After six years of improvement, we expect declining activity and employment rates next year, says Lars Storr-Hansen, adm. director of the Danish Construction association, in a press release.

the Danish construction association’s autumn forecast shows concretely that employment in the construction companies will round 176.500 full-time in the year, but fall to the 175.500 next year.

Last year, the housing construction is the highlight with 33,000 new started homes. The figure is expected to decrease gradually towards 2021. Here expect the Danish Construction association, will be commenced 27.500 new homes. It is the first time that the Danish Construction association put numbers on the expected development in 2021.

– Keep the forecast connector, I would describe it as a relatively flat aktivitetskurve and a dramatic fall in employment next year. So it will be a soft landing, that is to live with, says Lars Storr-Hansen.

– But the challenge is that the building does not have a tradition of soft landings, and we have recently been reports of declining new orders and job cuts elsewhere in the building, as for example with architects, consultants and engineers. Therefore, there is a risk that we will need to adjust our forecast down further within the next year, he says.

however, There are also bright spots to be found in the Danish construction association business cycle analysis. Many homeowners renovate their houses and apartments, and it pulls in the opposite direction.

at the same time stresses the Danish Construction association, expectations for the coming years must be viewed in light of six years with a steady progress, which has increased employment in construction and installation with well the 32,000 persons since 2013. Konjunkturanalysen demonstrates that renovation markets put a floor under activity in the construction sector in the coming years.

The reason is that in recent years has acted a great many houses and apartments, and that, in line with the big focus on sustainability is more and more, there energirenoverer their homes. At the same time, they have very low interest rates received record number of homeowners to put their loans on. It rubs off on home improvements around the villavejene.