Behind the glitter, Romy Schneider’s life was punctuated by drama. A year before her death, the actress had experienced a real tragedy which devastated her.

More than forty years after her early death, Romy Schneider remains a timeless icon of the seventh art. The German-French actress continues to be the subject of retrospectives, exhibitions, or television documentaries, such as Romy, femme libre broadcast on France 5 on Friday October 13.

But behind her incredible career without missteps, behind the red carpets and the glitter, Romy Schneider has experienced several painful dramas, such as the death of her father, the suicide of her ex-husband or even illness.

But the event that broke the actress happened just a year before her death. On July 5, 1985, his son, David, died tragically. This 14-year-old boy, born from the love between the actress and the director Harry Meyen, returns from a bike ride and tries to climb his grandparents’ gate, in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in the Paris region . But the teenager loses his balance and falls on an iron spike.

Romy Schneider’s son suffers from a perforation of the abdomen and femoral artery. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where he eventually succumbed to his injuries before his mother arrived.

“Never will the walls of the Saint-Germain-en-Laye hospital, although accustomed to so much unsaid suffering, forget the cry of death and mixed terror which escapes from this mother’s heart.” says author Bernard Pascuito in his work, The Last Life of Romy Schneider. According to him, from this drama, the actress “started her own agony”.

The paparazzi seize the story and enter the hospital, posing as nurses, in order to photograph the body of her child. “Let me finally be left alone”, demanded the actress in the show Champs Elysées, in April 1982. “Let someone disguise themselves as a nurse to photograph a dead child […] where is the morality? Where is the tact ?” The photo was, however, never published.

Ten months later, on May 29, 1982, Romy Schneider was found dead in her Paris apartment. She was 43 years old.